Human Resource Strategic Planning
Human resources is an important aspect of a company’s growth and success. The decisions performed by the top executive should be communicated to the employees for the proper execution of business goals. We are all pleased to have a sense of belonging in our environment. The inclusion of the employees in implementing strategic decisions for ABC is most likely going to increase the productivity of the company. Training is important for a new skill set required for a seamless transition to fit the new market mix.
Working with a small corporation in human resources has helped me gain practical experience with employees. A small number of employees has been effective in enabling me to assess the productivity of each team member and apply them to different personalities present in a workspace. Also, in a small corporation, job functions can be interchanged according to the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the staff. Role rotation is key to reducing the monotony in performing repetitive functions. Moreover, it is a technique for developing holistic and flexible employees. Skills in identifying challenges by having one-on-one conversations have been improved by working in a handful of corporations.
Collecting data from the staff members through questionnaires and interviews will provide substantial information on the current status quo. Information of keen interest is the motivation levels, individual abilities, and talents that may be unexplored, identifying the working culture at ABC, and finding an integrative strategy in the onboarding of new members to the new franchise division establishment. Some information may be acquired unknowingly by the employees in an attempt to obtain accurate and unbiased information (Stewart & Brown, 2019). The procedure can be done repetitively to examine the correlation of data over time.
In small corporations, the resources available to the HR department are limited. The management is then obligated to rely on creativity to deliver and improve the value of the staff recruited. Larger corporations such as ABC, endowed with resources, can outsource a training firm that works in close collaboration with HR to deliver the most relevant skills necessary to achieve the laid-out objectives. In large corporations, the process of drafting a plan and following through to completion takes time since there are many stakeholders involved in the chain of command to release funds for operations or approve a chosen business strategy. The delay can be frustrating as business requires exploitation of opportunity at the most appropriate time to maximize revenue.
Some new job opportunities will be available, and it is the mandate of HR to ensure the process of recruitment and retaining staff endeavours to obtain the best candidate. The job responsibilities and description for each job function are clearly outlined by the HR management (Storey, 2016). The remuneration according to each job is also stated. New job functions can be created where there is a niche and others that are considered redundant merged to maintain efficiency in the fulfilment of ABC’s objectives. Also, the HR management team seeks the best candidate to recruit by reviewing the skills and talent relevant to each job position. After identifying suitable candidates, the choicest is chosen by the recruiting officer. The procedure should be conducted within the law and free of any prejudice and partiality.
When the best candidates are chosen, the process of assimilation begins as a way to familiarize them with the organization’s culture and code of conduct. Learning of recruits is conducted in a controlled environment, and assessment is performed on the practical application of the knowledge gained. Learning in the business environment should be conducted periodically as new ways of business operations emerge and new technology is adopted (van der Vaart, Stander, & van den Berg, 2020). Partnering with third-party institutions whereby employees are schooled and offered certification on a particular skill applicable to their job roles. The courses are offered at subsidized prices to all employees. This increases the self-worth of employees and acts as a reward mechanism for them.
Departmental goals are made well-known to team members. Each member must realize the group objectives. Setting competing strategies between departments can promote a working culture that motivates employees to obtain a prize and recognition from the top executives. The benefits derived may be cash bonuses, commissions, or paid vacations. However, it may be difficult to evaluate the performance of divisions in a corporation, for they all carry out different functions. The best appraisal mechanism is within a department and compared to previous outcomes.
Corporations operate in their business scope and try to minimize the cost of running a business to desirable levels while attempting to increase profitability (Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher, & Garavan, 2018). ABC captures content in the market through the selling of hospital products, and entering a new market for selling equipment will improve effectiveness in business as the company is already trusted in its market and has a positive performance record, implying a growing dominance in the market. Growth in the consumption of hospital products may signify an increase in demand for medical devices. However, the correlation may not always indicate a positive growth of products to devices.
There is a high variation in interests and some distinct personality differences that are sure to bolster productivity. This could imply onboarding talent from various industries and disciplines that are vital for a functional team in the development of medical devices. The professionals may include designers, software developers, and engineers. The diversity is not only limited to the profession but also to the physical differences, such as the employment of people with disabilities. The inclusion of less privileged members of society is perceived as a collective social responsibility by ABC. Additionally, there are various races in the U.S. and around the world. Psychologically, a consumer will be likely to purchase from a racially inclusive store, especially if the consumer is among a minority. This is a strategy for building trust and welfare in the community where the business operates.
Businesses operate with a futuristic mentality of acquiring and retaining consumers. Control and management of internal factors such as human capital is an HR strategy that must be in alignment with the business strategy (Jackobson, Sowa, & Lambright, 2014). A business strategy is focused on the long-term achievements that a business strives to achieve within more than three years. The procedure entails a meticulous analysis of the predicted and unexpected market conditions that influence ABC’s achievements. A business strategy seeks to increase a corporation’s competitive advantage in the accomplishment of missions outlined by the top executive. Communication between the various ABC departments ensures all members are on track with the business goals and objectives.
Stable and effective HR management is one of the key factors that steer a corporation to profitability. The operations of every department should be clearly outlined and pertain to the business objectives. The strategy to be followed for the successful launch of new merchandise by ABC is highly dependent on the HR strategy followed, as the employees are the main labour force promoting meaningful output and productivity. Hence, more attention should be paid to the recruitment and retention of highly flexible and motivated employees.
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource management. Oxford University Press.
Jacobson, S. W., Sowa, J. E., & Lambright, K. (2014). Do human resource departments act as strategic partners? Strategic human capital management adoption by county governments. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 289-301.
Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.
Storey, J. (2016). Human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
van der Vaart, L., Stander, M. W., & van den Berg, M. J. (2020). An exploration of key human resource practitioner competencies in a digitally transformed organization. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 13.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Scenario: ABC Company, a midsize organization founded in 2010, is a healthcare company specializing in hospital products. ABC employs approximately 600 employees. The company is currently doing business in the Midwestern states.
Human Resource Strategic Planning
The new president, Jason Fenwick, is eager to take the organization to the next level of performance. Jason’s plan is to grow the business through entry into the medical device business. Cultural considerations for the growth strategy include:
A passion for innovation, expansion, and growth
Collaboration and teamwork
A discovery mindset
Drive and a bias for action