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How to Communicate with No-Show Parents

How to Communicate with No-Show Parents

Sometimes, connecting with families who don’t attend conferences organized by the school or other school activities can feel like an impossible challenge. However, as a teacher, I can take the initiative to communicate effectively with all families, regardless of attendance. I will use simple but effective strategies to reach out and engage with these families meaningfully. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Firstly, I will compose emails tailored for “no-show” families that will be sent out regularly. These emails will provide information about upcoming events and activities and updates on their child’s progress (Wyndow, Stafford & Taylor 26). The main message is to highlight the importance of parental involvement and remind parents that their children can’t succeed without them. After every open house or student conference, I will email the families that didn’t attend, thanking them for their interest and encouraging them to come in the future. The follow-up emails will also be used to provide further information or additional requests.

I can use surveys as a tool to connect with these families. These surveys could include questions about their child’s progress in school, their attendance at functions and events, or any other topics I find necessary for the parents to answer. The survey results could then be used to discuss and plan strategies to help their child succeed in my class. For instance, I may find out that the parents cannot attend school functions due to work commitments, and I can then suggest alternative ways for them to stay engaged. I will stay closely connected with these “no-show” parents by sending out reminders and updates through surveys.

I will use technological tools to reach out and engage with these families. Google’s Zoom, hangouts, and other video conferencing tools can be utilized to hold meetings with “no-show” families (Bordalba & Bochaca 48). This will provide me with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress in a more personal manner. I can also use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp to connect with these parents. For example, I could post pictures of the student’s activities in school or highlight any achievements made by their children. The school’s website can also be used to post updates and messages to help parents stay informed. I will grant access to the school’s online platforms specifically for “no-show” parents so they can be assured that their children are in safe hands and being cared for at all times.

Works Cited

Bordalba, Monica Macia, and Jordi Garreta Bochaca. “Digital media for family-school communication? Parents’ and teachers’ beliefs.” Computers & Education 132 (2019): 44-62.

Wyndow, Paula, Joel Stafford, and Catherine Taylor. “Outreach in Early Years Services: A Systematic Review.” Life Course Centre Working Paper 2020-01 (2020).


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How to Communicate with No-Show Parents

How to Communicate with No-Show Parents

What are some effective ways to communicate with families who do not show up for Open House, Student Conferences, or other school activities? In your response, remember that not all families can come to all events, and our teachers must connect and work effectively with ALL families. Your response should be at least 1 page long and include at least three ways to communicate with “no-show” families effectively.