How Socioeconomic Determinants Affect Health Parity in the Promotion of Health and the Prevention of Disease
The influence of socioeconomic determinants on the establishment of health equity in the facilitation of health promotion and prevention of diseases is of considerable importance. According to Byers (2017), a notable predicament arises when nurses are confronted with the task of harmonizing the interests of patients with the pursuit of organizational efficiency, all while grappling with the constraints imposed by scarce resources. Socioeconomic determinants, such as financial resources, educational attainment, and the availability of healthcare services, tend to exert an unequal influence on marginalized communities, thereby engendering discernible discrepancies in health-related consequences. These disparities can impede equitable access to endeavours to promote health and prevent diseases.
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Factors Which Would Help Diverse Populations Engage in Health Promotion Behaviors
Two pivotal factors can effectively facilitate the active participation of diverse populations in adopting health promotion behaviours. These factors encompass culturally tailored interventions, specifically designed to cater to individuals’ unique cultural backgrounds and beliefs, and health literacy initiatives, which aim to enhance individuals’ comprehension and understanding of health-related information. As posited by DeWilde and Burton (2017), the concept of cultural distress underscores the significance of attending to the cultural requisites within the realm of caregiving. Healthcare providers must comprehensively comprehend the distinct cultural backgrounds exhibited by diverse populations, enabling them to customize health promotion strategies that align with these cultural nuances. Furthermore, the enhancement of health literacy through the use of culturally appropriate communication strategies can allow persons to discerningly consider and deliberate on matters concerning their well-being.
A Cultural and/or Historical Factor that May Impact Health Behaviors Among a Diverse Population
One must acknowledge that the notion of collectivism is a cultural and historical determinant that significantly influences health behaviors within heterogeneous populations. In specific cultural contexts, a predilection exists for prioritizing collective welfare above individualistic considerations, thereby influencing how health-seeking behaviours manifest. In specific cultural contexts, it is not uncommon for familial perspectives and determinations to assume primacy over individualistic considerations about matters of personal well-being. This phenomenon has the potential to significantly impact individuals’ engagement in proactive measures and their compliance with medical directives.
Strategies Healthcare Providers can Employ to Promote Health and Prevent Disease Among Diverse Populations
Healthcare providers possess the capacity to implement a multitude of strategies aimed at fostering wellness and averting ailments within heterogeneous populations. One viable strategy entails fostering community engagement, wherein esteemed local figures and influencers are enlisted to disseminate health-related information in a manner that is attuned to the cultural nuances of the target population. An additional approach entails imparting cultural competence training to healthcare practitioners, as expounded upon in the scholarly investigation by Salmeal, Koskinen, and Eriksson (2016). This facilitates the establishment of trust and rapport between healthcare providers and patients, enhancing health communication’s efficacy. Furthermore, integrating culturally pertinent health education resources and using interpreters can effectively augment patient comprehension and involvement.
Byers, V. (2017). The challenges of leading change in healthcare delivery from the front line. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(6), 449–456.
DeWilde, C., & Burton, C. W. (2016). Cultural Distress: An Emerging Paradigm. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(4), 334–341.
Salmela, S., Koskinen, C., & Eriksson, K. (2017). Nurse leaders as managers of ethically sustainable caring cultures. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 871–882.
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Required Readings
• The challenges of leading change in healthcare delivery from the front line
Byers, V. (2017). The challenges of leading change in healthcare delivery from the front line. Nursing Management, 25(6), 449-456.
• Cultural distress: An emerging paradigm
DeWilde, C., & Burton, W. (2017). Cultural distress: An emerging paradigm. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(4), 334-341.
• Nurse leaders as managers of ethically sustainable caring cultures
Salmeal, S., Koskinen, C., & Eriksson, K. (2016). Nurse leaders as managers of ethically sustainable caring cultures. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 871-882.
Module 1 Discussion Topic
After completing the assigned readings for this module, please participate in the following discussion by addressing the following questions.

How Socioeconomic Determinants Affect Health Parity in the Promotion of Health and the Prevention of Disease
How do socioeconomic determinants affect health parity in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease?
Discuss two factors that would help diverse populations engage in health promotion behaviours.
Discuss a cultural and/or historical factor that may impact health behaviors among a diverse population.
What strategies can healthcare providers employ to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations? Give specific examples.
Please make sure you fully address all components of the questions and provide scholarly sources to support your writing.
PLEASE use above required reading material to answer ALL OR MOST QUESTIONS if possible.. Thank you!!