How old are you
I was surprised by the results of my age graph. The biological graph was the most surprising, and it awakened me to some of the lifestyle changes that I needed to make since it showed that I was 15 years older than my actual chronological age. I do not expect a high level of consistency between the different types of aging. In most cases, it is not surprising to find an 80-year-old whose mental and physical capacity is more or less the same as that of a 30-year-old (World Health Organization, 2022). Hillier and Barrow (2014) claim that some of the predictors of a long life include not smoking, having an unstressed lifestyle, having an ideal weight, exercising, and consuming alcohol moderately, among others. A 40-year-old who has not attained most things as recorded in the social age and psychological age and who also leads a poor lifestyle like excessive smoking and drinking can be considered older than a 70-year-old who leads an opposite lifestyle.
An individual’s level of income and wealth at a certain time is a social measure that has not been included. In most cultures, particularly Western cultures, a good flow of wealth and income are considered important indicators of success for individuals at certain ages. Consistently, I think one of the psychological measures that could be added is a sense of self-actualization. This is one’s realization of their full potential, and Maslow places it as the highest point of the hierarchy of needs (Cherry, 2022). Individuals tend to attain this at different stages in their lives; therefore, this concept should be included in the psychological measure of age. A sense of direction can also be included.
Cherry, K. (August 29, 2022). 11 Characteristics of Self-Actualized People. Verywellmind. Retrieved January 5, 2023, from
Hillier, S.M.,& Barrow, G.M. (2014). Aging, the Individual and Society. Cengage Learning.
World Health Organization. (October 1, 2022). Aging and health. Retrieved January 5, 2023, from
We’ll write everything from scratch
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How old are you? Using the building blocks below, build your chronological age, your psychological age, your biological age, and your social age.
Color a block for each 5 years of age.

How old are you
Color a block for each 5 years of age. Then, add the following: 1 block for each pack/day smoking, 1 block for every three alcoholic drinks/day, and 1 block for every 30 lbs. overweight.
Color a block for each of the following: graduated H.S., attended college, drove a car, graduated college, left home, have own home or apt., married, have career, children, grandchildren, retired.
Color 2 blocks for each of the following: A sense of purpose, strength in relationships, good family relations, place in the world, self-confidence, community service, wisdom
Graph what applies to you.
You do not need to provide a picture of your graph; please use the results to discuss the questions below:
1. Were you surprised by any of the results of your age graph? To what extent would you expect consistency between the different types of aging?
2. Can you think of any social measures of age that aren’t included here? What about in different societies and cultures?
3. Can you think of any psychological measures of age that aren’t mentioned here?
* Please answer the questions in depth.