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Home Automated Tele-Management Method for Hypertension

Home Automated Tele-Management Method for Hypertension

Technological progress and westernization have resulted in a more sedentary lifestyle. As a result, many people have acquired issues connected with decreased body activity. Hypertension is the most common among African Americans (Whelton et al., 2016). To address the issue of hypertension, various techniques have been established. The healthcare management initiatives chosen must take into account the most recent technological breakthroughs. The phenomena of technical developments have culminated in hypertension telemonitoring from the patients’ homes. Monitoring has proven to be a more convenient and patient-satisfying approach to lowering blood pressure levels.

The technique embraces technology, making it more relevant than previous ways because it corresponds to contemporary world expectations. According to statistics, the adoption of home-based telemonitoring of hypertension has resulted in an increase in the number of patients whose blood pressure has been regulated (Li & Lai, 2016). However, the strategy requires more patient education on how to use it. African Americans are among the marginalized groups; hence the plan’s effectiveness is heavily reliant on patient education on the subject.

In certain ways, the initiative is relevant to the group. For starters, it will act as a wake-up call to the community to fully embrace the new world of technology (Whelton et al., 2016). Because the project is part of the considerable advances in the healthcare system, patients will be able to keep up with the rest of the globe. Because the project is home-based, patients will feel more at ease using it in the comfort of their own homes; consequently, great efficiency is virtually fully guaranteed (Li & Lai, 2016). Home care can also assist patients in receiving more individualized treatment and attract more attention from doctors to nursing as a profession; the project will provide the trainee with firsthand experience that will be useful later in their career. Being able to work from home will relieve congestion in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The project’s beneficiaries can also assist other sufferers.


Li, W. W., & Lai, W. S. (2016). The Use of Telemedicine Interventions to Improve Hypertension Management Among Racial Ethnic Minorities: A Systematic Review. Hu Li Za Zhi, 63(4), 25.

Whelton, P. K., Einhorn, P. T., Muntner, P., Appel, L. J., Cushman, W. C., Roux, A. V. D., … & Arnett, D. K. (2016). Research needs to improve hypertension treatment and control in African Americans. Hypertension, 68(5), 1066-1072


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Complete the Information Literacy Module located in Module 06 Lesson Content before attempting the Module 06 Discussion.

Home Automated Tele-Management Method for Hypertension

Home Automated Tele-Management Method for Hypertension

Initial Post:

  • Choose one of the research questions listed below.
  • Does telemonitoring blood pressure in urban African Americans with hypertension improve blood pressure control within the six months of initiation of the medication?
  • How do pregnant women newly diagnosed with diabetes (I) experience reporting their blood sugar levels to their healthcare providers?
  • How effective is acupuncture in improving mobility in elderly male stroke patients in comparison to standard stroke therapy?
  • Design a strategy for a review of the literature.
  • Describe the type of articles you want to locate to examine what is known and not known about this research topic.
  • Search for the types of articles you identified relevant to the research question you chose.
  • Save the search history you created and attach it to the initial post
  • Describe at least one strategy you learned during this query process, including how this new knowledge will help you with future searches of the literature
  • Select one article from your query you believe is most relevant to the research question you selected.
  • Summarize why you believe this article is relevant to the PICO
  • Summarize why this research article is credible and attach the critical appraisal worksheet to this post

NUR3643 Quantitative Critical Appraisal Worksheet.docx

NUR3643 Qualitative Critical Appraisal Worksheet.docx

Responses (minimum of two):

  • Identify a search history you find interesting
  • Describe new knowledge gained from this search strategy and how this information will help you with future searches of the literature
  • Discuss one different approach you would recommend to improve the search strategy selected
  • Provide at least two responses to two different classmates


Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other students’ posts by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.