Historical Tenets of Philosophy and Christian Viewpoint
Philosophy has different meanings to various people based on how they perceive it. It is never easy to find philosophers who will define philosophy similarly. Throughout the long history of philosophy, it has always meant different things to different people. Most individuals desire to attain their quest for wisdom, understand the universe, establish ethics and moral responsibilities that guide humans, understand natural science, evaluate truth values, and promote rationality and clear thinking (Stroll, 2021). Do you need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us at eminencepapers.com.
Despite all this, there is still a gap that is not explained by the meanings associated with a philosophical enterprise but instead gives some ideas of its extreme complexity and many-sidedness.
Establishing the existence of a common element can be noted with the diversity and whether there is a vital meaning that can serve as an acceptable, inclusive definition. Despite there not being a precise definition, the existing ones tend to show reflective activity that does not have a clear designated subject of its own but is instead a method of mental operation that can be projected into any area. Therefore, despite several single-term divisions of philosophy, it is better to explain it based on prepositions such as philosophy of science.
There is difficulty finding an agreement among philosophers regarding its definition because many originate from different disciplines with varying interests and concerns. For instance, George Berkeley, a bishop of the Irish Church, considered philosophy a way of asserting truths about religions and eliminating materialistic errors. On the other hand, other philosophers, such as Plato, were obsessed with understanding social and political arrangements to change people’s social behavior.
This has been associated with the concentration of able thinkers who reflect upon, reason, and deeply consider the nature of their experiences. Through this, there is an emergence of monism, dualism, and pluralism. Additionally, logical positivism in philosophical tradition believes philosophy originated from obscure mists of religion and is made more apparent through science (Stroll, 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the advancement of logical positivity as it holds a tremendous philosophical spectrum.
Philosophy can relate to Christianity based on its aspect of hope. The desire in philosophy to keep searching for philosophical truths can lead to hope and profound doubt that the problems are solvable. With the understanding of the nature of values, individual solutions become possible. The desire to pursue hope for objective answers that secure universal agreements must be given up. In Christianity, there is always the desire to trust and hope for things to change. The Christian faith teaches them that faith can move mountains. This is an absolute faith applicable in philosophy for the desire for something unknown. Additionally, Christians are taught about having faith even in things that cannot be seen.
This places philosophy to me as a science rather than an art. Philosophers also appear to me as artists rather than scientists. The philosophical solutions have to bear the stamp of their personalities, and their choice of arguments reveals how much of themselves as their chosen problem. Christianity can be presented as a portion of the people’s love for God, the sole creator of the universe, just like in the philosophical system where a world vision is subjectively assembled.
In philosophy, proving philosophical systems to be wrong definitive is difficult. This implies that the history of philosophy consists of living classics that comprise a permanent repository of ideas, doctrines, and arguments (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021). It is also composed of views and a continuing source of philosophical inspiration and suggestiveness to those who philosophize in any succeeding age. This aligns with the Christian desire to understand the revealed truths and the truths of reason. Hypothetically, the facts would have remained unknown and could only be revealed by God. However, through philosophy, there have been instances where some points have been told, such as the doctrine of the Trinity. The principle of the trinity, as advocated by Christianity, notes that one God works as three: God the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021). Before this, Christians in the past believed that some of these truths could not be revealed.
Philosophers and Christians make arguments that appeal to common standards of rigor and logic. Philosophical ideas cannot always prove the foundational truths of a revelation. Christians also use common standards of philosophical reasoning to respond to putative objectives by showing that any alleged conflict is only apparent. This implies that even though Christians can’t prove that God is a trinity through philosophical arguments, it is possible to use the defensive mode in philosophy to respond to objections to the incoherence of the trinity doctrine. The Christians can use revelation as a way that will support their argument. This can be considered a realistic argument that it is impossible to persuade opponents by appealing to some notions they deny.
Finally, there are claims that some aspects considered valid in Christianity cannot be accepted in philosophy since they are beyond human reasoning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021). Therefore, when there is a misunderstanding between a Christian truth and philosophical sense, the fact is considered a sign of philosophy overstepping its boundaries and not that the Christian truth has conflicted with human reason.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (2021). Philosophy and Christian Theology. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/christiantheology-philosophy/
Stroll, A. (2021). Western Philosophy. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Western-philosophy
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Historical Tenets of Philosophy and Christian Viewpoint
Write a 3-4-page paper on the historical tenets of Philosophy. Make sure you show a correlation/contrast of Philosophy to the Christian viewpoint.