Heredity, Prenatal Development & Birth
I would use the biopsychosocial perspective to assess the client. This model examines how biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors are intertwined. These factors seem prominent in the case of Sabrina. The biological component involves general health, lifestyle, and genetic vulnerabilities; the psychological component involves aspects linked to mental health, personality, coping skills, and emotions. Subsequently, the social component involves family and peer relationships, employment, and social support (Tyler, 2020). It would be important to assess any biological and even genetic factors that might influence the multiple miscarriages that the client has reported. Since Sabrina has not reported any underlying conditions that might cause the miscarriages, it would be important to assess factors such as genetic factors since some researchers claim that miscarriages might be caused by genetic factors (Taylor et al., 2018).
A psychological assessment of the client also needs to be conducted. The client shows feelings of distress and helplessness due to the miscarriages that she has had, together with the difficult pregnancy that she currently has and the tough choice of deciding whether to abort or not. The client also has poor coping skills as she feels negative about how her pregnancy will turn out, based on her previous negative experiences, and the fact that it turns out bad only confirms her existing fears. She also tends to self-blame and worries about what others would think of her. Stress is commonly linked with ill health, and the stress experienced by the client is likely to endanger her pregnancy. A thorough assessment can provide a better understanding and ways of helping the client deal with the problem.
Social factors like socioeconomic status might also affect one’s health. Sabrina reports that they are already having trouble supporting their family, which causes her major distress as she wonders how she will support her unborn, sick child. She is also fearful of losing or being negatively judged by her friends and family in case she decides to have an abortion. She is afraid of losing social support from others.
Taylor, E., Bedaiwy, M., & Iwes, M. (2018). Recurrent miscarriage. British Columbia Medical Journal, 60(5).
Tyler, S. (2020). Human Behavior and the Social Environment I. University of Arkansas Libraries.
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Heredity, Prenatal Development and Birth
Using the Vignette at the beginning of this chapter (Sabrina, 28 years old), answer the following questions:
What theory, approach, or perspective from previous Dimensions (PIE, Biopsychosocial, Sociocultural, or Social Change) would you use to assess this client? Why?