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Healthcare Reform in the United States

Healthcare Reform in the United States

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was passed in 2010, significantly changed the healthcare system in the United States (Collins et al.,  2017). The objectives were to make coverage cheaper,  reduce the number of uninsured people, and improve access to care (Collins et al., 2017). The plan’s principal goal was to give Americans the opportunity to obtain health care insurance at a lower cost while also promising that the federal government is actively involved in financially helping individuals who require health care (Collins et al., 2017). Many people in the United States are unable to obtain healthcare because they cannot afford insurance.

Prior to the adoption of the Affordable Care Act, customers without employer-based health benefits found it difficult to purchase health insurance on the individual market (ACA). The most significant benefit of the ACA, according to Raghunathan, 2019), is that it expands care for mental health, drug addiction, and chronic diseases. Due to the high expense of this treatment, many insurance companies attempt to deny or prevent coverage. Many of them will simply end up homeless or in jail if mental health, addiction, and many other avoidable diseases are not treated, which will cost the government money. It was also intended to work in conjunction with the prevention and promotion program to cover the costs of preventative services, including vaccines, annual exams, and cancer screenings. The ACA covers devices and services that help persons with disabilities, injuries, and a variety of chronic diseases (Collins et al.,  2017).

Another reason to keep the ACA is coverage for young persons under the age of 26. Young adults have the option of remaining on their parent’s health insurance coverage until they reach the age of 26,    which means that the insurance company must cover these medical bills under their family plan without the need for them to enroll in a new policy (Chen, 2014). The most common criticism leveled against the ACA    is the high cost of premiums. Many insurance companies now provide a broader range of benefits and coverage to persons with preexisting conditions (Chen, 2014). This has resulted in higher prices for many people who already have health insurance. Several times in the past,  politicians attempted to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act.


Chen, Y. (2014). On the state of the American health care: A discussion of the health care system and the Affordable Care Act. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 16(6), 63-68. Retrieved from


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Select the specific theoretical framework that you will use with your project(  leadership is your pick). Describe how the theory that you chose aligns with your capstone project. Include the following information:

Describe the key features of the selected theoretical framework/model. What are its major components?

Healthcare Reform in the United States

Healthcare Reform in the United States

Identify specific research approaches appropriate for use with the theoretical model or framework and how it fits with your intended project.

Does the model lend itself to quantitative or qualitative methods or both?

What kind of quantitative/qualitative methods would be most appropriate? (Focus groups, interviews, pre/post-tests, record review, survey, etc.)

Describe how the theoretical framework might be used to evaluate the program/project and critique how well the model fits the program or project.

What aspects of the model work well, and what aspects do not?



Capt stone project: Nurse retention 

Length: 2-3 pages, not including references

Citations: Scholarly reference(s) from within the last 5 years.

Format: APA 7th ed.

Use the title “Theoretical Model Framework.” try to use mainly US sources.