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Healthcare-Organizational Research Memo

Healthcare-Organizational Research Memo

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Organizational Research Memo

Memo To: Dirk Brinckman

Memo From: Organizational Ethics Committee

Re: Johnson & Johnson

Date:  September 24, 2021

Following a thorough evaluation of Johnson & Johnson’s ethical and legal compliance, the organizational ethics committee has compiled various elements that need improvement. The committee assessed the current ethical and legal issues that the company has been facing. The genesis and the impact of these issues was also reviewed, as well as the actions that the company took to remedy the situations or avoid reoccurrence. The committee produced several strategies to avoid such situations in the future and improve the company’s legal and ethical compliance.

  1. Name and description of the organization

Johnson & Johnson was established in 1886 in the USA. The founders, the Johnson Brothers, set up three main segments: Medical Devices, Consumer Health Care, and Pharmaceuticals. The company is represented in at least sixty countries by 250 entities, while its products are sold in more than 175 countries. Johnson & Johnson plays a critical role in improving global health. First, it takes part in fighting pandemics and outbreaks by producing medication and vaccines. Its most recent contribution is the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine for COVID-19. Secondly, the company addresses the current health priorities around the world by developing new treatments. Thirdly, Johnson & Johnson is committed to strengthening health systems around the globe by investing financial resources in training, recruiting, inspiring, mobilizing, and retaining first responders (Goad, 2021).

  1. Description of the organizational culture

Johnson & Johnson has an inclusive culture that promotes diversity of staff members. Different environmental aspects motivate the current culture. To begin with, the company’s stakeholders are diverse, an aspect that motivates the organization to match the products to the client’s needs. In addition, Johnson & Johnson holds gender aspects in high esteem. Gender balance is important at the company as part of diversity and inclusivity. In the spirit of diversity, the company accommodates employees who have distinctive characteristics and attributes. The company’s stakeholders are important to its operations (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., 2020). Through fair treatment of all employees, the company can ethically treat its external and internal stakeholders.

  1. Mission, code of ethics, and core values of the organization

Johnson & Johnson’s mission is to “blend heart, science and ingenuity to profoundly change the trajectory of health for humanity” (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., 2020). The achievement of this mission is dependent on the company’s ability to adhere to its values as outlined in the credo. In addition, the code of ethics provides critical guidance to the entire organization. Employees are required to observe all ethical elements as its ambassadors. Whistleblowing is enabled through ‘Our Credo Integrity Line,’ which invites all stakeholders to highlight any cases of violation. Such whistleblowers are protected from retaliation and threats that could intimidate their decision to speak up or punish them for exposing any violations. The ethical codes forbid corruption, activities that violate regulations and laws, as well as bribery.

  1. Leadership strategies to promote legal and ethical compliance

Leadership is important in the promotion of legal and ethical compliance. Leaders also portray the organization’s culture to outsiders. In 1982, the Tylenol crisis played a critical role in proving the critical role of leadership. James Burke was the Chief Executive officer when the company encountered the Tylenol crisis. The CEO had the product recalled from the market. The most affected stakeholders, who were the clients, gained priority during the crisis. While this action cost the company millions of dollars, it inspired such selfless leadership (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., 2020). At the same time, employees were inspired to observe the ethical policies in the organization and uphold the regulations that govern public health safety to avoid such consequences.

  1. Legal and ethical issues

In addition to the Tylenol crisis, the company has also encountered other crises that have revealed the presence of unethical practices. Most recently, the likelihood of adverse side effects that patients developed from the J&J vaccine has caused an ethical uproar leading to an investigation. Six women between 18 to 48 years developed deadly blood clots within two weeks of vaccination. The occurrence led to the pausing of the Jansen vaccine by the respective authorities, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The decision to pause the vaccine was to allow for investigations. However, the concern took an ethical direction because of the increasing number of COVID-19 patients and the heightened demand for vaccines. However, the respective agencies had to pause it for the safety of public health (Schulte, 2021).

A different moral and ethical confusion that the Jannsen vaccine encountered was resistance from the catholic doctrine followers. The religion’s leaders repeatedly cited that the vaccine used stem cells from fetuses that were obtained through abortion. This element raised eyebrows and caused individuals to avoid the vaccine because of the unethical perceptions that the religion’s teachings hold against abortion. However, it was later ascertained that the company did not use cells from deliberately and recently aborted fetuses. Instead, the cells were obtained from fetuses that had been aborted in the past decades, and the company’s main intention was to save lives during the pandemic (Binkley & DeCosse, 2021).

  1. Recommendations to strengthen legal and ethical compliance

The company should prioritize public health in the future from a genuine perspective. The public health of consumers is dependent on the company’s ethical practices and compliance with the legal requirements that regulate the industry. In addition, the company should provide the public with information that assures the stakeholders about the safety of public health. The provision of such information is important because it ensures that misconceptions do not arise from the distribution and consumption of these products. It also eliminates any doubts that arise around the ethical procedures. Consumers use this information to determine whether they are willing to consume the products and services based on their compatibility with their ethical and moral principles. The information also allows respective agencies to advise the public appropriately regarding certain treatments that the company develops. This approach is connected to the quality assurance of the company’s production activities. The activities should meet the FDA standards. These actions are important in avoiding scandals, misconceptions that avoid consumption of products and services, loss of revenue, as well as litigations that could damage the company’s reputation. Overall, the organization’s goal should be to comply with the ethical policies for the public’s confidence and safety.


Binkley, C. E., & DeCosse, D. E. (2021). The Real Moral Failing with the Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine Would be to Refuse It: Reflections on a Catholic Controversy. Retrieved from–johnson-covid-vaccine-would-be-to-refuse-it-reflections/

Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (2020). About Johnson & Johnson. Retrieved from Johnson & Johnson:

Goad, K. (2021). 5 Ways Johnson & Johnson Is Working to Improve the Well-Being of the World by 2025. Retrieved from Johnson & Johnson:

Schulte, S. (2021). Johnson & Johnson vaccine ‘pause’ creates ethical dilemma as virus surges. abc Eyewitness News.


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Healthcare-Organizational Research Memo

Organizational Research Memo 

Assignment Content
Imagine you’ve been assigned to an organizational committee that has been asked to evaluate the organization and make recommendations to the compliance officer on ways to strengthen legal and ethical compliance.

In this assignment, you will use the Organizational Research Memo Template to research organizations, not agencies. Remember that an organization is a company or business – such as a hospital, clinic, or insurance company – and an agency is a part of the government at the federal, state, or local level, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Labor (DOL), or a state health department.

Select 1 of the organizations listed below. Research the organization’s compliance information. Review the Organizational Research Memo Template to ensure you can obtain all information for the organization you have selected.

  • American Red Cross

    Healthcare-Organizational Research Memo

    Healthcare-Organizational Research Memo

  • American Heart Association
  • United Healthcare
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Stryker Corp.
  • Verizon Healthcare
  • GE Healthcare
  • A hospital
  • A clinic
  • An insurance company
  • A nonprofit health care organization
  • An organization of your choice – the organization should not be a federal, state, or local agency, and must include information that is publicly available.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word memo to the corporate compliance officer. Use the Organizational Research Memo Template to complete the assignment.

Cite at least 1 reputable reference. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your references section and references used in your memo according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


  • Please use the memo template.