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Healthcare Management – Theory X and Theory Y

Healthcare Management – Theory X and Theory Y

There are various motivational theories trying to explain or understand what drives an individual to work towards a certain goal. Theory X and Theory Y are part of motivational theories developed by Douglas McGregor. The two theories, X and Y, are categorized according to the perceptions of managers towards their subordinates.

Theory X postulates that healthcare managers are authoritative and manage their employees with a belief that they are not passionate about their jobs and are working below their caliber. Additionally, the managers’ views towards their workers are negative and hold the belief that the workers perform below the set standards even if they have performed their best. Conclusively, healthcare managers categorized under theory Y are negative, autocratic, and process-oriented.

On the other hand, Theory Y represents healthcare managers who are passionate about their work and believe in their workers. According to the theory, managers believe in authority and obligation delegation among their employees and offer them the flexibility to perform their work with any method on the condition that the task is completed in the required time. The managers in this class are confident with their subordinates and believe in their competencies to accomplish their responsibilities and work. Conclusively, healthcare managers under Theory Y are positive, result-oriented, empathetic, and participative.

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 Effect of Health Care Manager’s Perception

Healthcare managers’ perception impacts healthcare employees in numerous ways. Firstly, it affects the employees’ willingness to work. Willingness to work is the main factor that serves the organization. If a manager’s perception is pessimistic, it may cause gloomy consequences in the organization and vice versa. Secondly, a manager’s perception assists in setting a portrayal of the organization in the worker’s minds. The relationship between healthcare workers and managers plays a critical part in establishing the portrayal of the healthcare system (Prottas & Nummelin, 2018). For example, suppose a manager employs dictatorial behavior and views their juniors as machines. In that case, the workers will form a strong belief in their minds that the entire organization follows autocratic management.

Conversely, a manager’s perception affects the performance of the workers. A constructive perception by the manager establishes a fruitful and helpful working culture for the workers that motivates them to work better, hence more productivity. In addition, a manager’s perception affects how they evaluate a healthcare worker’s performance. If a manager has a negative perception of a certain worker, their evaluation may be biased. Similarly, if the manager has a positive perception towards a particular worker, their evaluation may be overrated.

Lastly, a manager’s perception affects the working conditions of the employees. The working condition is the chief critical part of the health care organization, and the managers’ perceptions affect how the environment is set (Prottas & Nummelin, 2018). If a manager has no perception bias, a healthy working environment structure is created, leading to better functioning of the organization.

Stages of Perception


A person’s environment and the people they interact with regularly give them stimuli. Some stimuli are noticed while others go unnoticed since a person’s mind has particular limitations. Thus, the initial stage in designing perception is selecting the stimulus that is noticed. Based on particular comprehensions, our minds should focus on things known to our beliefs. On matters to do with health care managers, the health care environment is the stimuli’s providing agent based on their beliefs.


After the picking up of stimulus from the surroundings, the next phase in the formation of perception is the adjustment of the stimulus, which implies the information picked will pass from the numerous paths from our brain and assemble the stimulus according to the sensory receptors (Lumen. (n.d.). The sensory receptors serve as the perception’s output-generating mechanism.

Analysis/ Interpretation

The above refers to how one understands the stimulus affecting them. As the stimulus is better organized with the particular receptor, the data is analyzed based on the defined beliefs and attitudes of the individual according to their intellect and understanding capacity.

Memory and Recall

At this last stage, a person remembers the events or information stored in the brain prior. During the above stage, neural activity originally generated in the brain during a certain event is replayed (Lumen. (n.d.). The above echoes the brain’s perception of the specific event that may not be completely identical to the current event.


To achieve greater achievement in a health care system, the managers and their teams should often discuss their aims in regular meetings and gather to assess progress, ensure workers get all essential assets, sustain responsibility, and adjust as required. In acute and non-acute care surroundings, healthcare managers should use intuition from workers’ engagement reviews to make meaningful talks with workers. In addition, they should set concrete goals that induce positive change and foster personal and group engagement (Landry, 2020). To be successful at their tasks, managers must prioritize engagement and continue learning fresh tactics to engage and make their teams strong.


Landry, L. (2020, March 5). Why managers should involve their team in decision-making | HBS online. Business Insights – Blog.

Lumen. (n.d.). Introduction to perception | Boundless psychology. Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production.

Prottas, D. J., & Nummelin, M. R. (2018). Theory X/Y in the health care setting: Employee perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. The health care manager37(2), 109-117.


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Healthcare Management - Theory X and Theory Y

Healthcare Management – Theory X and Theory Y

Prepare a leaflet to explain Theory X and Theory Y to your healthcare manager.
Explain how the healthcare manager’s perception affects the attitude and behavior of healthcare workers.
Describe the 4 stages of perception.
Include a recommendation on how the participation of healthcare workers in decision-making would lead to greater achievement for the healthcare manager, team members, and the organization.
Deliverable Requirements

Include at least 3 references.
Use the APA format