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Health Status of the Community

Health Status of the Community

Population characteristics

As of July 1, 2019, the population of Sunrise, Florida (Zip Code 33351) is estimated to be 95,166, representing a 12 per cent increase since April 1, 2010 (84,306). Based on age, at least 5.6 per cent of the population is under 5 years, 21.0 per cent is 18 years and below, and 17.7 per cent is aged 65 and older. Females represent 54.0 per cent of the total population. In terms of ethnicity/race, White alone accounts for 54.8 per cent, African American alone 35.2 per cent, Alaska Native and American Indians alone at 0.2 per cent, Asian alone at 3.6 per cent, and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders alone at 0.0 per cent. On the other hand, two or more races account for 3.3 per cent, Hispanic or Latino 31.8 per cent, and White alone (neither Latino nor Hispanic) represents 27.0 per cent.

In terms of education, 87.8 per cent of the population aged 25 years and above (statistics were taken between 2015 and 2019) hold a high school or higher certificate, while just 26.7 per cent have a Bachelor’s degree or above. In the workforce, 65.4 per cent are in the civilian labour force (those aged 16 years and above between 2015 and 2019), with females accounting for 60.6 per cent of this figure. Finally, the median household income within that period was $54,744, and the per capita income within the last 12 months stood at $27,379. At least 12.2 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line.

Health Status

Sunrise is one of the major cities in Central-Western Broward County in Florida. According to the Florida Department of Health, there were 15,325 deaths reported in the county in 2019 per 100,000 people, with an age-adjusted death rate of 612.6 per 10,000. In comparison, the state of Florida has a death rate of 970.4 per 100,000 people. In terms of births, 221,542 births (at a rate of 10.4 per cent) were recorded in 2018 in Florida. The birthrates based on the age of the mother were as follows: 10-14 years (0.2), 15-17 years (6.7), 18-19 years (31.8), 20-24 years (66.6), 25-29 years (92.2), 30-34 years (95.1), 35-39 years (51.3), 40-44 years (11.9), and 45-49 (0.8). In terms of ethnicity/race, the birthrates were as follows in the state of Florida: White (95,868), African American (48,174), Hispanic (67,201), Asian (6,996), Alaska Native/American Indian (261), and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (152). This report was compiled by Martin et al. (2019) and represents the National Vital Statistics Reports 2018 series. There are no definite mortality and birth rates (based on race, age, and gender) for the city of Sunrise, Florida.

Leading Causes of Death in Broward County, Florida

The three leading causes of death in Broward County, Florida, include heart disease (3,602 deaths per 10,000 or 23.64% of total deaths), cancer (3,391 deaths per 100,000 or 22.26% of total deaths), stroke (1,536 per 100,000 or 10.08% of total deaths). Number four and five include unintentional injury/accidents (1,004 per 100,000 or 6.59%) and chronic lower respiratory disease (765 per 100,000 or 5.02%), respectively. This information is based on the 2019 Florida Department of Health report. In comparison, the leading causes of death in the state of Florida include heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and stroke (CDC, 2018).

Three Health Problems of Concern to the Nurse in the Community

  1. High incidences of heart disease
  2. High cases of cancer
  3. High rates of stroke

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Interventions for the Three Health Problems

Primary prevention typically involves adjusting modifiable risk factors to avert or avoid the onset of an illness. Lifestyle and behavioural changes are the leading or most prominent primary interventions usually recommended for patients with heart disease. For instance, patients are often advised to maintain a body mass index of between 18.5 and 24.9, as well as a waistline of <40 and <35 for men and women, respectively, through exercise (30-60 minutes of physical activity daily) and eating of healthy foods (including plenty of fruits and vegetables and minimum saturated fats and sodium). Other lifestyle changes include quitting alcohol and smoking cessation (Karunathilake & Ganegoda, 2018). Secondary prevention interventions often come into play when the primary techniques fail. Secondary approaches usually entail identifying the disease risks before the real damage is done through high-tech, modern laboratory diagnostic tests. Common secondary therapies for heart disease include using statins to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, beta-blockers to address heart failure and heart attack, and ACE inhibitors to correct lower hypertension and heart failure. Tertiary procedures are similar to primary methods because they are intended to improve a patient’s quality of life after the diseases have produced debilitating effects. For heart disease, tertiary measures include the use of coronary procedures like left ventricular assist devices, defibrillators, pacemakers, bypass surgery, stent, and angioplasty.

On the other hand, primary interventions for cancer include smoking cessation, maintaining a healthy body through exercise and healthy diets, protecting oneself from the sun, getting vaccinated, and avoiding risky behaviours. Secondary interventions include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immune therapy, hormone therapy, stem cell transplant, and many others. Tertiary interventions include psychotherapy and counselling to address symptoms like pain and fatigue. Pain management through the use of opioids like Tramadol and Hydromorphone is another tertiary intervention (Nerseyan & Slavin, 2007).

The primary prevention methods for stroke are similar to heart disease and cancer because they are co-morbid, and they include regular exercise, eating healthy diets, and smoking cessation. Secondary treatment of ischemic strokes might include the administration of alteplase (also known as tissue plasminogen activator) to neutralize blood clots – which plays an important part in restoring the flow of blood to the brain (Chugh, 2019). Secondary measures include controlling glycemic and blood pressure levels and reducing triglyceride and total and low-density cholesterols. Tertiary prevention entails measures aimed at lowering the potential of second and third strokes. It includes a range of primary and secondary measures, such as managing the levels of cholesterol.

Contrasting and Comparing Census Information and Windshield Survey Observations

Significant differences and similarities between the Census information and the Windshield Survey observations can be observed. For example, in both cases, the population of the area (Sunrise, Florida) falls below 100,000 (92,000 for the Windshield and 95,166 for the Census). The difference, however, is the composition of the various ethnic groups. For the Windshield, Blacks make up the biggest chunk of the population at 32.9 per cent, followed by Hispanics (31.3%), Whites (2.2%), Asians (4.9%), others (2.2%), and American Indians (0.2%). For the Census Bureau, Whites constitute the largest population (54.8%), followed by African Americans alone (35.2%).

How this Information will guide My Health Promotion Activities for Individuals and Families Who Live in this Community

This piece of information will play a fundamental role in formulating a health promotion and treatment plan for specific families, as well as the entire community, living in Sunrise, Florida. For example, it will inform the type of advocacy and treatment interventions that will be implemented.


CDC. (2018). National Center for Health Statistics – Stats of the State of Florida. Retrieved from

Chugh, C. (2019). Acute ischemic stroke: Management approach. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 23(2), 140-146.

Florida Department of Health. (n.d.). Leading causes of death – 2019. Retrieved from

Karunathilake, S., & Ganegoda, G. U. (2018). Secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and application of technology for early diagnosis. BioMed Research International.

Martin, J. A., et al. (2019). Births: Final data for 2018. National Vital Statistics Reports, 68(13), 1-47.

Nersesyan, H., & Slavin, K. V. (2007). The current approach to cancer pain management: Availability and implications of different treatment options. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 3(3), 381-400.

U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). Quick facts: Sunrise City, Florida. Retrieved from


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Health Status of the Community

Health Status of the Community

Health Status of the Community

Health Status of the Community