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Health Assessment of Elderly Population- Morbidity Mortality and Health Promotion Initiatives

Health Assessment of Elderly Population- Morbidity Mortality and Health Promotion Initiatives

Utah is considered a healthy country with the highest number of learned people. According to the 2019 US census, Utah has a population of 2,993,941. Among them, 1,506,614 are males while 1,487,327 are females. Utah is considered a well-developed state, and therefore, barriers to health access are almost non-existent. However, there are five leading causes of mortality among adults in Utah, including coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, lung disease, and diabetes mellitus, respectively. Around 3000 people lose their lives in a year due to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and others (World Life Expectancy, 2021).

Diabetes has long been a public health issue in Utah, making it a targeted health issue. According to Utah’s Public Health Indicator-Based Information Systems (2019), more than one hundred and eighty thousand Utah adults have been diagnosed with diabetes, which is listed as the leading cause of non-traumatic leg amputation, blindness, heart disease, and renal failure among adults. The risk factor behind the increasing prevalence of diabetes among adults in Utah is obesity since a majority of the adults in Utah are overweight and lead a sedentary life with a more junk diet.

This, therefore, calls for public health attention in health prevention and promotion to reduce the incidences of diabetes. To reduce the incidences, some programs were put into action to provide self-management education classes. According to Utah’s Public Health Indicator-Based Information Systems, the classes have been shown to improve the health outcome of people with diabetes and slowly decrease incidences. The personnel involved in the self-management classes include the nurses, dietitians, physicians, and pharmacists.


Public Health Indicators Based Information System (2019). Utah’s Public Health Data Resource. Retrieved on 11th Nov. Available from:

World Life Expectancy (2021). Utah Health Rankings. Utah Deaths by Age and Gender. Retrieved on 11th Nov. Available from:


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Discussion Prompt

Pick a specific population within your clinical environment or community and discuss the overall health of that population – morbidity, mortality, health behaviors, risk factors, barriers to access, etc.

Health Assessment of Elderly Population- Morbidity Mortality and Health Promotion Initiatives

Health Assessment of Elderly Population- Morbidity Mortality and Health Promotion Initiatives

Identify a targeted health issue or health promotion service/program that is needed or being utilized and discuss the benefits/downfalls or pros/cons. Reference and citations required.