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Green, Yellow, Red-State of APN Practice Privilege and Prescriptive Authority

Green, Yellow, Red-State of APN Practice Privilege and Prescriptive Authority

Nursing practice is regulated variedly across different states. The level of these variations gives rise to stratifications regarding the practice privileges and prescriptive authority across these states. These stratifications have been designated the green, yellow, and red codes to specify the intensity and level of these regulations. The green code signifies full practice authorization, the yellow code signifies reduced practice, and the red code represents a restricted approach.

California is a red-code state, signifying the restriction of nursing practice within the state. This means that the abilities of a nurse practitioner to participate in any element of nursing practice are restricted by California’s licensure laws. The provisions only allow limited patient care by unauthorized personnel under strict supervision, delegation, or management by an external health discipline (Yang et al., 2016). The Board of Registered Nurses is California’s state regulatory agency. It is responsible for regulating nursing education, certification, and practice. Upon meeting their licensure practice, it provides licensure to the nurses (E. Peterson, MS, APRN, AOCNP, 2017). The Nursing Practice Act is a law enactment that gives authority to the board to regulate the scope of practice and the duties of a registered nurse.

California, a restricted practice state, offers provisions for nurse practitioners to provide basic primary care to patients but will require a collaborative agreement from the doctors to prescribe medicines, order basic medical tests, and certify the disability. The California Standardized Procedures articulates all the requirements of a nurse practitioner within California (Choi et al., 2017). These standards pertain to the educational standards for nurse practitioner certification, the scope of medical practice, and the standard procedure guidelines for nursing practice. Standardized procedures, as defined by the Board of Registered Nursing and the Medical Board of California, refer to all the legal mechanisms for registered nurses and practice nurses to participate in medical practice functions. It is a collaborative agreement between the nurses, doctors, and administrators and defines activities such as patient, drug, and device handling.

California state is a red-code state. This signifies the restricted nursing practice in this state, offering provisions for who can provide patient care roles. The Board of Registered Nursing regulates education, certification, and scope of practice for all registered nurses practicing within California. Through a collaborative agreement with other providers, the standardized procedure for nursing practice within California has been outlined, restricting nurses’ prescriptive authority.


Choi, J., Flynn, L., & Aiken, L. (2017). Nursing Practice Environment and Registered Nurses’ Job Satisfaction in Nursing Homes. The Gerontologist, 52(4), 484-492. 

Peterson, MS, APRN, AOCNP, M. (2017). Barriers to Practice and the Impact on Health Care: A Nurse Practitioner Focus. Journal Of The Advanced Practitioner In Oncology, 8(1).


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Determine your state’s practice environment color – green, yellow, or red.

Green, Yellow, Red-State of APN Practice Privilege and Prescriptive Authority

Green, Yellow, Red-State of APN Practice Privilege and Prescriptive Authority

Discuss how your state is an independent practice or practice-restricted state.

Describe the prescriptive authority for your state.

(For California Students) Review the CA Standardize Procedures requirement of NPs and discuss the meaning of Standardize Procedures (California BRN – Standardized Procedures Guideline).

(For States other than California Students) Identify one (1) barrier to practice and a strategy to address the removal of the identified barrier.

Review the American Association for Nurse Practitioners’ State Practice Environment Map and determine your state’s color – green, yellow, or red.

Review the Nurse Practice Act in your State for Advanced Practice a second time to assist you in answering the questions in the discussion.

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