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Governing Style

Governing Style


The ideal governing style is a democratic socialist government (Korpi, 2018). The idea of socialism dates as far back as the 19th century and refers to collectively owned government forms and businesses where the government and workers have a larger control on goods production and distribution as opposed to the free market and private firms behind capitalism. The government will be a force for good in its citizen’s lives and will support ideas such as universal healthcare, federal job programs, labor reforms, universities offering tuition for free, fair taxation that narrows the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest, as well as using tax imposed on wealthy corporations and the rich to fund social welfare programs (Korpi, 2018). The country will exist as Iceland and Scandinavia –a welfare state that exists within a capitalist society. The government leaders will work through peaceful and legal means, such as social and electoral movements, to ensure fair and equitable distribution of resources. This will enable all sections and sectors of the economy to grow at approximately the same rate and avoid any more internal conflicts (Durbin, 2018). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Domestic Concerns

The function of Government Arms

The legislative branch will be responsible for drafting proposed laws. It will also have the power to reject or approve presidential nominations for the Supreme Court, federal judges, and heads of federal agencies. The legislative branch will comprise governors and senators elected through a nationwide ballot process every five years (Schattschneider, 2017). The executive branch will carry out and enforce laws passed by the legislative arm. It will comprise the President and the deputy, the cabinet, executive departments, committees, commissions, and independent agencies. The President and the deputy will be voted in by the citizens through a ballot process of election years (Schattschneider, 2017).

The judicial branch will be responsible for interpreting laws and applying the same to individual cases. The arm will also decide whether a law is in violation of the Constitution. It will comprise the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Schattschneider, 2017).

Programs to Maintain Public Good

Free Education: Education will be provided for free to all children, but tertiary and university education will be offered at subsidized rates. The government will pay tuition fees for those seeking higher education. Education is a basic right of the citizens in the country, and therefore, the government will aim at fulfilling this basic need.

Universal Health Coverage: Citizens will be required to contribute a minimum fee that will allow them to access healthcare services in government-owned facilities. McKee et al. (2013) note that this will help persons from all economic statuses access affordable healthcare. It will also ensure no free-riders and all participate in promoting the nation’s health and well-being. The two programs will be paid using the taxes as aforementioned. Large corporates and the very wealthy will be taxed at higher rates to fund government programs.

Economic Structure that is Most Beneficial to Citizens

The government will provide public goods in a way that will ensure that the country remains globally competitive and that society functions well. However, whenever possible, it will invest in its citizens to enable them to become self-reliant in continuous and rapidly changing circumstances (Evans & Campos. 2013). The government will be more of an investor in its citizens as opposed to being a protector of capitalism. Startups and innovations will help in fueling the country’s economic growth. The government will, thus, pursue national policies that support and promote innovations so that the country experiences sufficient prosperity for generations to come. Evans & Campos (2013) state that it will require the government to provide resources and infrastructure that will enable its citizens to succeed in their innovative ventures.

Ways to Create National Unity

The country will have a national holiday to celebrate its freedom from a dictatorial regime and to celebrate its independence. Every government office will have the national flag fly high (Satherley, Osborne,& Sibley, 2019). Additionally, school children will be taught the national anthem and expected to memorize it. Every pre-university school will be required to have the national flag fly, and the national anthem sung in an assembly twice a week (Abril, 2016). Radio stations must play the national anthem every day before commencing their programming (Cardiff & Scannell, 2013). The government will sponsor national sports, drama and arts competitions where the winners will be rewarded handsomely.

Ways to Combat Terrorism and Violence

Potential targets of attack will be offered protection by the government. This includes individuals and organizations that terrorists target (Cutler, 2017). Youth workers and teachers who suspect any form of radicalization will be required to report to law enforcement for swift action. Media outlets, including websites, that propagate hate speech or condone terrorism will be shut down immediately (Benson, 2015). Government intelligence will scavenge for information related to terrorists and terrorist actions and act on the information to avoid any attacks (Cutler, 2017). Any terrorist or radicalized persons will face a steep penalty and a lifetime prison sentence.

Foreign Concerns

International Organizations to Join

The World Trade Organization will help the country resolve trade conflicts with other countries and handle trade agreements with other countries (Thanh, 2013). Joining UNCTAD will help the country import goods from developing countries duty-free or at subsidized duty rates (Rothstein, 2015). Lastly, the country will join the United Nations, which will assist it in maintaining peace in its borders, security, promote social progress, human rights and better standards of living, as well as develop good relations with all its neighbors (Thakur, 2016).


Abril, C. R. (2016). A National Anthem: Patriotic Symbol Or Democratic Action? In Patriotism And Nationalism In Music Education (pp. 77-94). Routledge.

Benson, B. P. (2015). The US Counterterrorism Strategy: Addressing Radical Ideologies. Army Command And General Staff College Fort Leavenworth Ks.

Cardiff, D., & Scannell, P. (2013). Broadcasting and national unity. In Impacts and influences (pp. 167-183). Routledge.

Cutler, L. (2017). President Obama’s Counterterrorism Strategy in the War on Terror: An Assessment. Springer.

Durbin, E. (2018). New Jerusalems: the Labour Party and the Economics of democratic socialism. Routledge.

Evans, A. M., & Campos, A. (2013). Open Government Initiatives: Challenges Of Citizen Participation. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management32(1), 172-185.

Korpi, W. (2018). The Democratic Class Struggle. Routledge.

McKee, M., Balabanova, D., Basu, S., Ricciardi, W., & Stuckler, D. (2013). Universal Health Coverage: A Quest For All Countries But Under Threat In Some. Value in Health16(1), S39-S45.

Rothstein, R. L. (2015). Global Bargaining: UNCTAD And The Quest For A New International Economic Order. Princeton University Press.

Satherley, N., Osborne, D., & Sibley, C. G. (2019). Who Is for (or Against) the National Flag? Ideological and Identity‐Based Motivators of Attitudes. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy19(1), 407-428.

Schattschneider, E. (2017). Party Government: American Government In action. Routledge.

Thakur, R. (2016). The United Nations, Peace And Security: From Collective Security To The Responsibility To Protect. Cambridge University Press.

Thanh, V. T. (2013). Reflections on the Role of WTO in a New Context. ERIA Research Project Report, Jakarta31, 96-107.


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Political Science Case Study

Your country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A group of loyalists to the old dictator have been detonating bombs, murdering civilians, assassinating leaders, and terrorizing towns with help from a neighboring country’s dictator.

Governing Style

Governing Style

Create a comprehensive plan for your new government. While creating this government identify 1) the governing style of your government and the principles that govern your leaders (see rubric); 2) the functions of various branches of government; 3) how to maintain public good in domestic areas through at least two programs; 4) an economic structure that is most beneficial to your citizens; 5) ways to create national unity; 6) ways to combat terrorism and violence; and, 6) international organizations to join.

See rubric for specific ways to meet the requirements of the paper.

Paper headings: (Use of APA paper format with headings required!)

  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
    • Introduce your country
    • Briefly outline all of the parts of the paper
  • Domestic Concerns (1-2 pages)
    • Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style
    • Identify the branches of government and its functions
    • Development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good
    • Economic structure and reason why this should be used
    • Socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity
  • Foreign Concerns (1-2 pages)
    • Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security
    • Descriptions of both organizations
    • Rationales for joining these organizations
    • Steps to joining
    • Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country’s terrorist threat and the domestic threat
    • Two ways these will be effective
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph)
    • Summarize information

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)