Gospel Essentials-Christian worldview
Over the past decade, Christianity has become a significant part of society by influencing policies and people’s values. It is founded on the interpretation and implementation of biblical teachings. Each section in the Bible gives a unique view of God and what he expects from humans. It also describes how the relationship between God and humans has developed since creation. The Bible also describes incidents where God restored humans to demonstrate mercy. The different interpretations of the biblical teachings have led to the development of various Christian foundations and the Christian worldview based on the beliefs people develop about God and the role of human beings as God’s creation. The Christian worldviews passed from generation to generation may also affect people’s values of Christianity, the Bible, and biblical teachings. Therefore, people’s understanding of the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration impact Christian foundations and the implications of the Christian worldview.
Gospel Essential Beliefs
Nature of God
The Bible portrays God as a supreme being with various attributes. The main attributes include all-powerful, unchanging, eternal, all-present, and all-knowing. These attributes are derived from His actions throughout creation and His interaction with His creations, including humans. The Bible also portrays God as just, loving, good, holy, faithful, and jealous. He takes time to build humans in His image and commands them to obey Him and take care of other creations, thus demonstrating his power (Diffey, 2020). The creation story also demonstrates the sovereignty of God because there is no one else above Him, and He has control over all creation. God’s just nature is demonstrated in His decisions to punish those who go against His commands. For example, He sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden after they disobeyed Him and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. The story of Noah’s ark also shows that God is just because He instructed Noah to build a bog ark that could accommodate the people willing to get onboard to get saved from the flood. The story also demonstrates the loving nature of God and His goodness. God’s faithful nature is demonstrated when he fulfills the promises made to Abraham for obeying His commands. He also instructs humans to refrain from sin by following His ten commandments, thus portraying His nature as a holy supreme being.
Nature of Humanity
Humanity and its role on earth have been discussed in different verses in the Bible. According to Hiles & Smith (2020), humanity is at the apex of creation because of its place in ending creation. Although some people view humanity as sinful, the Christian worldview considers humanity a gift from God and is expected to serve and glorify God. Humanity also has a special relationship with God. The relationship is evident in God’s decision to create humans in the image of God. Humans are also the only creation created by breathing life into them. Humanity is also given authority over other creations, thus demonstrating the special relationship between humanity and God and God’s expectations for humans. However, humans’ ability to follow God’s commands influences the relationship between God and humanity. For example, in Genesis, the relationship between God and Adam and Eve was destroyed when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commands. Throughout the Bible, there are other instances where the relationship between God and humanity is ruined when humanity fails to obey God. The responsibility of humanity to worship God is evident in God’s wrath towards the Israelites when they began worshiping other gods. Therefore, the foundation of humanity’s existence is loving and obeying God and knowing what God expects from them.
Nature of Jesus
The New Testament introduces Jesus in the Trinity. It describes the role of Jesus in creation in various Bible verses in John, Colossians, and Hebrews. In John 1:3, Jesus is the Word God uses to communicate with humanity. According to Diffey (2020), in the passage stating, “All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made” in John 1:3, the word “him” refers to Jesus as the Word. In Hebrews 1:2, the Bible mentions that all creations were made through Jesus. In Colossians 1:16-17, Paul confirms the view of Jesus as the Word by mentioning that all things were created through Jesus and for him. Therefore, the nature of Jesus can be divided into two categories. The first is Jesus as God’s way of portraying His work to humanity because everything was created through Jesus. The second category is Jesus as God’s representative in the interaction between God and Humanity because all creation was created for him. The two categories also demonstrate Jesus as powerful because he has control over all creation since it was created for him. Jesus’s control over all creation is also evident in the statement that there would be nothing without Him. He is, therefore, the foundation upon which God’s creation was placed.
God’s restoration sustains the relationship between God and humanity. Therefore, restoration is also a recurring theme in the Bible because those who stray from God’s commands are sought after and restored. For example, God restored the Israelites after they worshipped other gods when Moses left them to go to the mountain to get the commandments. God also has pure intentions for humanity and allows them to seek forgiveness for their sins before punishing them. He also eliminates humanity’s suffering to help them heal. For example, He restores the Israelites after many years of working as enslaved people in Egypt. He provides them with food in the wilderness and leaders to help them get to the Promised Land, where they can live a better life than they lived in Egypt. God also restores humanity by making promises and fulfilling them. For example, He fulfills the promise made to Abraham by making Him the father of all nations. He also promised the Israelites that he would restore them and sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt. God’s restoration focuses on those who follow his commands and worship and glorify Him. He also restores those who pray for His help and wait for His help.
Christian Foundations
Christian foundations have evolved over the years. By 2020, Christian foundations could not be interpreted, revitalized, or reimagined without considering the awareness of and the meaningful relationship with modern-day social, historical, and cultural realities. The foundations have been influenced by Christian education, which has developed during the times of proactive, creative, and dialectical engagement with culture, such as the 19th-century fortified Sunday school movement, the Reformation Education movement, the 4th-century catechumenate and the 18th century Sunday school movement (Johnson-Miller & Pazmiño, 2020). Modern Christian foundations include an awareness of various liberation theologies, particularly among women that embrace the evangelical bases enabling Christians to address global issues, including poverty, climate change, and oppression, while addressing the worth and dignity of everyone created in God’s image. There has also been a focus on political theologies that focus on political issues, such as ignoring the moral and ethical concerns for humankind’s sustenance. Johnson-Miller & Pazmiño (2020) argues that political ideologies create a renewed pneumatology that encourages people to be open to following the work of the Holy Spirit worldwide and calling for repentance. Another Christian foundation is the philosophical foundations that focus on foundational issues while securing a place for the revelation and possibility of truth. All the Christian foundations acknowledge the need to protect humankind as God’s creation.
Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview
According to Erdvig (2020), the Christian worldview is founded on two truths. One of the truths is that there is God. The second truth is that God is who he has portrayed in creation, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. The interpretations of biblical teachings are derived from these truths. Christians focus on a biblical worldview, which is mainly a logical story including three sub-narratives: fall, creation, and redemption. There are also various nonnegotiable beliefs within the Christian worldview that are sometimes considered first-order points of the Christian doctrine. One of the doctrines is the belief in Jesus Christ, the Trinity, and Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Although there are disagreements about the nonessentials, Christians are connected by the essentials presented within the Biblical storyline consisting of four acts. The first act is the creation of all living and nonliving things. The second act is the fall of humanity into sin. The third act is humanity’s redemption from sin, and the fourth is restoration. The Christian worldview emphasizes the fourth act because it demonstrates God’s mercy towards humankind and what he expects from them. The Christian worldview is anticipated to continue evolving because it evolves throughout a person’s lifespan and is shaped by a person’s experiences.
People’s understanding of the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration impact Christian foundations and the implications of the Christian worldview. The bile portrays God as all-powerful, unchanging, eternal, all-present, all-knowing, just, loving, good, holy, faithful, and jealous. Humanity is viewed as a gift from God. Humanity also has a close relationship with God because humans are made in the image of God and are the only creation who received God’s breath of life during creation. Jesus is portrayed as God’s way of displaying His work to humanity because everything was created through Jesus and as God’s representative in the interaction between God and Humanity because all creation was created for him. The theme of restoration is also prevalent in the Bible, and God gives humans a chance to repent for their sins and restore them. The concept of the Christian foundations continues to evolve and are categorized into political, theological, and philosophical foundations. The Christian foundations are influenced by the Christian worldview, which is founded on the foundational truths that God exists, and God is who he has proved to be in creation, Jesus Christ, and the Bible.
Diffey, D. (2020). Wisdom in the Beginning. Theology Commons.
Erdvig, R. (2020). A Model for Biblical Worldview Development in Evangelical Christian Emerging Adults. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 29(3). 285–306
Hiles, J., & Smith, A. (2020). Evaluating Wisely. Theology Commons.
Johnson-Miller, B., & Pazmiño, R. W. (2020). Christian education foundations: Retrospects and prospects. Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry, 17(3), 560-576. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739891320943606
We’ll write everything from scratch
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the Christian worldview, including the main topics you have covered up to this point. You will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the gospel (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration) and reflect on implications for the Christian worldview.
Gospel Essentials-Christian worldview
Write a 1,500- 2,000-word essay using at least four resources. Just use the Class book to do 2 sources, and ill figure out the rest. Thank you!