Global Warning Is A Hoax Counter Arguments
Why do you think this video was chosen to be included in this course?
The video, Global Warming Is A Hoax, was chosen for the course because it helps people develop more interest in understanding global warming to determine whether it exists. The video creates uncertainty on the existence of global warming by reviewing the arguments made by Jim Inhofe, a Republican senator from Oklahoma who served as the chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works from 2003 to 2007 and 2015 to 2017. The video was also selected because it contains arguments that explain global warming and how it occurs. For example, the speaker states that global warming is the increase in the earth’s temperature. The argument is supported by findings from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research indicating a 0.85 degrees Celsius rise in the global temperature from 1880 to 2012. The video also explains how climate change has changed over the years to explain the relationship between global warming and climate change. The speaker states that there has been significant climate change because of human activity. The discussion about what has not been explored in detail by other researchers on the concept of global warming gives individuals an idea of what they should focus on in future studies, thus making the video relevant to the course. The speaker mentions that one of the main areas that need to be reviewed is the extent to which human beings impact climate change because climate scientists are not sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, the scale and scope of human beings’ impact on the climate. The other area is the solutions to deal with global warming. Understanding these areas can help interpret the concept of global warming and eliminate misleading assumptions.
Counter Arguments. (2016). Global Warming Is A Hoax [Video]. YouTube.
We’ll write everything from scratch
The Congressional Medal of Honor.
Examine an incident in which a member of the American armed forces earned the Congressional Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest award for bravery in battle. Identify the values this person exhibited and explain how their example should inspire us.

Global Warning Is A Hoax Counter Arguments
Primary Assignments are to be double-spaced, using 11-point Calibri font. Be sure to save your work before you submit it. Assignments should include a 1” margin on the sides, top, and bottom in 275 words.
Each Primary Assignment requires:
a thesis statement,
an APA-style bibliography,
use of APA style in-line citations, and
adherence to the 3+1 Rule.
The 3+1 Rule requires students to use a minimum of three assigned readings from the current week and one from the previous week. This rule encourages students to review and connect the assigned readings from week to week.
Assigned readings from the current week
Chapter 8 – Justice What Is The Right Thing To Do, Michael Sandel
Letter from a Birmingham Jail, M.L. King, April 16, 1963
Why We Must Judge Roger Berkowitz
The Domain of Justice M. Adler, Chapter 24
Federalist Paper No. 10, [22 November] 1787, James Madison, Founders Online
True Leaders Believe Dissent is an Obligation, Bill Taylor, Harvard Business Review, 2017
Assigned readings from a previous week
King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal; Many Americans See Racial Disparities, PEW Research Center, 2013
The Narrowing, But Persistent, Gender Gap in Pay, Nikki Graf, Anna Brown, & Eileen Patten, PEW Research Center, 2019
Why the Debate about equal pay for U.S. Women’s Soccer isn’t that Clear Cut, Megan McArdle, The Washington Post, 2019
Still the Land of Opportunity?, Isabel V. Sawhill, The Brookings Institution, 1999