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Global Lack of Education Due To Poverty

Global Lack of Education Due To Poverty


Education plays a significant role in preparing people for their future by equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to compete for jobs and venture into entrepreneurship. The issue of lack of education has gained the attention of various scholars and researchers because of the rise of illiterate people, especially in developing countries. Existing studies suggest that the government is responsible for addressing the issue because it allocates the resources needed in the education sector and regulates the education fees in the public sector, thus contributing to education affordability. Communities in different countries worldwide are also taking the initiative to mobilize members to take their children to school to eradicate poverty and poor living conditions. It is important to understand the issue of lack of education to design effective measures to eliminate it. Lack of education is also a leading cause of inequality in most societies hence the need to understand its causes, impacts, and solution. The impact of lack of education in developing countries indicates that lack of education is a serious issue that contributes to slow development in the affected societies hence the need to actively engage the community members, parents and guardians, and local leaders in policymaking and education reforms to ensure that all children in the community acquire basic education. Lack of education is a serious issue that contributes to slow development in the affected societies hence the need to actively engage the community members, parents and guardians, and local leaders in policymaking and education reforms to ensure that all children in the community acquire basic education. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Global Lack of Education Due To Poverty

Poverty, especially in developing countries, is a major issue that has raised concerns worldwide. According to Bhargava (2006), poverty includes non-income dimensions such as the prevalence of diseases, health, education, gender equality, and access to sanitation and water. The solution to the widespread poverty in developing countries is quality formal education that can fill the skills and knowledge gaps. Therefore, developing countries should provide a full set of courses offering quality education to create a foundation for additional training and learning, including tertiary and secondary learning and opportunities to acquire new knowledge and create innovative communities that look out for opportunities to learn new things (Bhargava, 2006). Education is also essential in preventing the transmission of poverty from one generation to another because it increases people’s productivity leading to an increase in income and access to opportunities in the job market, which then enables individuals to afford to take their children to school and access to a better life (Bhargava, 2006). According to Ewiss (2020), education provides individuals with social security because they are better positioned to find a suitable job. Although education is essential in eliminating poverty, it is evident, especially in developing countries, that poverty is the main factor contributing to the lack of education. According to Bhargava (2006), more than 100 million primary school-age children are not enrolled in any learning institution, and two-thirds of adults, especially women, cannot write or read. The main reasons the children are not enrolled include low demand for education because of poverty, inadequate supply of school infrastructure, and the high cost of attending school.

According to Mihai et al. (2015), most low-income families living in extreme poverty are unable to meet the expenses associated with enrolling one or all of their children in schools. The author adds that poverty also makes most people think they will fail in education, implying that children born into poverty cannot escape poverty. Children born in poverty are also unprepared to attend school because they struggle to integrate. Further, Hen (2022) argues that the lack of economic investment, especially in developing countries, has led to the inability of most countries to create sufficient academic infrastructure, more committed and qualified teachers, and acquire quality education resources. Therefore, many developing counties face a challenge of poor education quality and a shortage of teachers. According to Ewiss (2020), the dropout rate of enrolled children is linked to poverty because low-income families use their children to increase their income by sending them to work. Therefore, poverty makes it hard to contain children in school and increase their willingness to enroll. According to UNICEF (2020), poverty also makes it hard for children from low-income families to get quality education because they are less likely to have access to learning institutions, and when they do, they are likely to drop out, thus missing out on the put education resources. Children from low-income families are also more represented in lower education levels where services do not cost a lot, thus receiving low-quality education. Children from poor households also live in remote and underserved communities, thus limiting access to learning institutions.

Solutions to This Global Societal Issue

The impact of poverty on education can be mitigated through government and community involvement. According to UNICEF (2020), the government should focus on funding learning institutions where children from low-income families are most represented by prioritizing allocating public funding to institutions in low-income neighborhoods and gradually increasing funding to higher education levels with a continued focus on the most vulnerable and children living in extreme poverty. The community should advocate for equity in the education sector to guarantee that the needs of children living in poverty are met. The community should also participate in generating evidence and data to better understand the needs of children from low-income families.

The impact of poverty on education can also be addressed through education reform. According to Ewiss (2020), education restructuring in developing nations represents many children’s real investment in acquiring reading, writing, critical thinking, and numeracy skills, reducing the spread of disease, poverty, and ignorance. The author argues that low-income families should be encouraged and supported to enroll their children in learning institutions for the reform plans to succeed while reducing the cost of education and caring for teachers professionally and financially. Ewiss (2020) argues that developing countries should develop diversified and solid education strategies and policies and supervise their implementation. Governments are responsible for creating these policies by actively implementing compulsory and free education and preventing school dropouts. The most effective way to prevent school dropouts is by collaborating with teachers and the community to identify the causes of the dropouts and effective measures to retain students in schools.


The global lack of education is attributed to poverty. Many developing countries face a challenge in providing quality education because most children are not enrolled in schools due to poverty, and others drop out to help their families earn income. More than 100 million children in developing countries are not attending school because they come from low-income families that cannot afford to pay for their education expenses. Poverty has also led to ignorance among most people in developing counties due to the assumption that those born in poverty will continue living in poverty so they do not need to pursue education. The quality of education children from low-income families get is also low due to a lack of school infrastructure. Therefore, the governments and communities in developing countries are responsible for supporting low-income families and encouraging them to enroll their children in school. The governments can provide free education to children in public learning institutions and collaborate with the community to ensure that all children of school-going age are enrolled.


Bhargava, V. K. (2006). Global issues for global citizens: An introduction to key development challenges. World Bank Publications.

Chen, Y. (2022). How to improve the quality of youth education in developing countries. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

Ewiss, M. A. (2020). Issues in Education Development in Developing Countries. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 25(11), 64-75.

Mihai, M., Ţiţan, E., & Manea, D. (2015). Education and poverty. Procedia Economics and Finance, 32, 855-860.

UNICEF. (2020). Addressing the learning crisis: An urgent need to better finance education for the poorest children.


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Global Lack of Education Due To Poverty

Global Lack of Education Due To Poverty

Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
Conclusion paragraph.
Must document any information used from at least five scholarly sources in APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. Note that you will need at least eight scholarly sources for your Final Paper in Week 5.