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Getting to Know Me

Getting to Know Me

My name is Jane Doe from Bayshore, New York. I started my nursing career 2009 at a Nursing Care and Rehabilitation Center. The duties at the center were very taxing as I was the only registered nurse and catered to 60 patients. I moved to Brookhaven Memorial Hospital in 2010, where I worked in the behavioral health unit. While there, I gained much experience as a floating nurse in the surgical intensive care, pediatric unit, cardiac intensive care, medical-surgical unit, cardiac care unit, and emergency room. I have since been working as a Home Health Nurse to a homebound senior woman for the last four years. Following my diagnosis of breast cancer (the reason for my resignation from Brookhaven), my perception of life changed; every day is a reminder that we live not because we are deserving but because there is a God full of grace and love. Despite and despite ourselves, He loves us; He loves me enough to let me be a part of His team in changing the world, one soul at a time.

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What do you think is the most significant economic problem in the world?

I believe the most significant economic problem in the world is poverty. Poverty is not only in low household income but also in intellectual capabilities (Concern, 2019). In developing countries, intellectual impoverishment is one of the significant influencers of poverty. Education quality is poor, and with that, illiteracy levels are high. If the quality of education were improved (with corruption and other negating factors being eliminated), people in these countries would have a better chance of improving their living standards (Rotary, 2019). In developed countries, poverty stems, in my opinion, from discontentment and living beyond one’s means. Every person seems to want to live as the Joneses do, no matter the cost. High debt courtesy of credit cards has seen many families plunge into debt, bankruptcy, and homelessness (Norton, 2011).

What do you think the role of a citizen is in solving national problems?

Change starts with an individual; one can only change oneself. When a person determines to change their current situation to a better one, they can influence others to change. Using the example above, when a person decides to get out of debt, takes tangible steps toward financial freedom, and achieves it, such a person is better positioned to influence and inspire others to do the same. If a community is at risk of high mortality rates due to poor lifestyles, getting one healthy and influencing others after attaining individual results is much easier. So, to solve national problems, one starts by solving personal issues.

What do you think the role of a human is in solving global problems?

There are several global problems, including economic and environmental issues. As mentioned above, financial issues can be solved by changing one’s situation. In addition, a person needs to ask themselves what they can do to impact the lives of their loved ones or the community they live in. If one can start a business or project that would benefit the less fortunate or improve their economic status, then one should do so. If a person is knowledgeable in particular areas, they should use that knowledge to impact their community. For example, if one is adept in farming practices that can yield better products, one should use such knowledge to impact their communities. The environment, caring for the space one lives in, and being mindful of the air one breathes are the surest ways to protect the environment. Disposing of garbage correctly (for example, separating biodegradable trash from non-biodegradable trash) is one way to care for the environment and reduce global carbon emissions.

Do you think being a Christian implies more duty in these areas?

Being a Christian does imply more duties in the areas above. The Bible says that we have the mind of Christ, and since God is concerned about how we live, we ought to be concerned as well (Philippians 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus). Christ taught on the multiplication of talents (Mathew 25:14-30). Although, as with any scripture, there can be several interpretations of a parable; in this case, the skills could also represent what we have been given to care for. Whatever the Lord has given a person needs to be tended to and multiplied in a hundred-fold measure. If it is skills and knowledge in a particular field, it should be born to benefit others. If it is money or wealth, it needs to be worked to multiply and grow oneself and others. Christians are ambassadors and reflect how the Father desires people to live and enjoy His abundance here on earth. The world looks on to see the example set by Christians, some hoping to learn while others waiting to witness their downfall.

What does the Bible have to say about these topics?

Christ implied that leading meant serving others. Good leaders are in tune with the needs of their followers (Mark 10:42-45). However, we live in a selfish society, with every man seeking to satisfy their desires while neglecting mercy and faith. In pursuit of riches and wealth, people have committed crimes and injustices, ended up in poverty, and depleted the ozone layer in the name of industrialization while exploiting the poor. Rather than living in line with Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth; man has resulted in destroying the very planet that the Lord allowed him to subdue. This has created a world of poverty, disease, and death.

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Concern Worldwide (2019). The Top 9 Causes Of Global Poverty

Norton, M. (2011). Living Beyond Your Means When You’re Not Rich.

Rotary (2019). Illiteracy traps adults and their families in poverty.


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Getting to know You.

Your professor and fellow students would like to know something about you. Please read your professor’s biography and post your personal biography information by answering three or more of the following questions:

Getting to Know Me

Getting to Know Me

  • What do you think is the most significant economic problem in the world?
  • What do you think the role of a citizen is in solving national problems?
  • What do you think the role of a human is in solving global problems?
  • Do you think being a Christian implies more duty in these areas?
  • What does the Bible have to say about these topics?


Wheelan, C. (2010). Naked economics: Undressing the dismal science.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Power of Markets
  • Chapter 2: Incentives Matter
  • Chapter 5: The Economics of Information:

Bonello, F., & Lobo, I. (2015). Taking sides: Clashing views on economic issues (16th edition).

  • 1.1 Are Profits the Only Business of Business?
  • 2.5 Should Minimum Wage and Living Wage Laws Be Eliminated?

Client’s Notes:

  • I am taking an Economics Analysis / Policy Course
  • I need help with the assignment getting to know you. I will also upload the textbook. Thank you.

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