Getting Guns off the Streets and Out of Kids’ Hands
The increase in gun violence contributes to the enforcement of gun control regulations. One such measure is the ‘Kicks for Guns’, whereby police collect guns and give out gift cards in exchange. According to Doornbos (2017), this ‘Kicks for Guns’ operation is led by police officers who receive the guns voluntarily brought to them. Additionally, the individuals presenting the guns aren’t questioned about any information about the gun. A procedure is put in place for the acquisition of the gun. This procedure involves placing an unloaded firearm in a plastic bag, and the police collect the item from individuals’ automobiles. Subsequently, the efficiency of this procedure is questioned, and thus, the question of a more effective procedure is raised in the aspects of children that present guns at the ‘Kicks for Guns.’
The ease of submitting guns without repercussions questions the efficiency of ‘Kicks for Guns.’ The ease of the process encourages many individuals to present their guns to the police since there are no repercussions to handing over the firearms to police officers, hence high gun submission. Therefore, it is effective and essential in gun acquisition from the public. In contrast, guns involved in murder and mass shooting cases might go unpunished with the lack of questioning.
There are other methods used in firearm collection from kids. The first method involves “conducting curfew checks that target juvenile and young-adult probationers” to ascertain they do not have firearms (Mertens, 2006). During these checks, firearms found are collected by police officers. The second method involves the repression of youth-dominated syndicates that provide firearms to the youth for unlawful activities (Mertens, 2006). Their repression will lead to the collection of firearms and the reduction of firearm possession. These two methods effectively limit gun possession among kids, young adults, and youth. In conclusion, various firearms collection methods are used, and better methods can be created to reduce gun violence.
Doornbos, C. (2017). ‘Kicks for Guns’ offers gift cards for those who turn in guns on Thursday. Orlando sentinel. Retrieved from
Mertens, J. (2006). Kids With Guns: How Agencies Have Made Strides To Get Guns Out of the Hands of Juveniles | Office of Justice Programs. Retrieved from
We’ll write everything from scratch
After reading the article, answer the following question: Do you think this is a good way for police departments to get guns off the streets and out of kids’ hands?
Getting Guns off the Streets and Out of Kids’ Hands
Why or why not? What are some other ways you can think of to get guns out of kids’ hands?