Gender Roles in Marriages in the U.S.
Crash Course Sociology (2017) states that the first step in scientific research is to have a hypothesis. In this case, when studying gender roles in contemporary marriage in the U.S., I would start by formulating two hypotheses. First, the relationship between egalitarian gender norms in society and marriage is U-shaped (Pessin, 2018). Second, the relationship between egalitarian gender norms in society and divorce is an inverted U-shaped. This means that increased egalitarian gender norms reduce marriage formation for women with no college education. In the second hypothesis, I would state that egalitarian gender norms increase divorce for women with no college education. My third hypothesis would be that increased egalitarian gender norms result in women’s marital satisfaction with a college education. The dependent variable here is the marriage well-being/satisfaction, whereas the independent variable is egalitarian gender norms.
According to OpenStax (2018), a survey collects information on the subjects who would respond to questions regarding opinions and behaviors. Therefore, I would use a survey to reach married women in Texas and gather opinions and their behaviors. I would formulate questions such as, ‘Who is in charge of house chores, picking children from school, and bills?’ This would help in understanding the roles that women take in their marriages. An interview is a conversation held one-on-one with a subject to conduct surveys (OpenStax, 2018). The most effective way I would use is to arrange interviews with the consenting subjects to ask a series of questions and allow them to elaborate on their answers if needed. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at
I would also use existing resources such as journals, books, and national surveys done by relevant authorities to find out more information on how gender role norms influence marriages. I would then analyze my data and test it with my formulated hypothesis to validate or invalidate them and draw proper conclusions.
Crash Course Sociology (2017). Sociology Research Methods: Crash Course Sociology.
OpenStax (2018). Introduction to Sociology 2e. Texas: Rice University.
Pessin, L. (2018). Changing gender norms and marriage dynamics in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(1), 25-41.
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Gender Roles in Marriages in the U.S.
Please note: the topic has to relate to marriage. Thank you