Gender gap in Crime Data and How it Differs on Various offenses
The Gender Gap in Crime Data and How It Differs in Various Offenses
Statistics indicate that males commit crimes at a higher rate than females. The gender gap in crime is portrayed in data on convictions, arrests, victims’ reports about offenders, and self-reported crime.JRank (2019) argues that since the 1960s, female arrests in the United Kingdom have been below 15% for homicide and aggravated assault and less than 10% for robbery and burglary. Women are also less involved in serious crimes and violence, and their crimes result in fewer injuries. Theft crimes committed by women include less property damage and less monetary loss. Females are also less likely to be repeat offenders than men and rarely engage in long-term criminal careers. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Justice in the United States in 2019 indicated that approximately 75% of the people charged with a crime and 95% of the people imprisoned for various crimes in the United States are women. The survey also indicated that 85 to 90% of male criminals had been charged with committing violent crimes such as robbery and violence (Ministry of Justice, 2020). Therefore, the gender gap in the crime rate in the United States can be reviewed by focusing on the differences in the number of males and females convicted and arrested for violent and non-violent crimes, including white-collar crimes. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
The Roles that Race and Economics Have in Society
Braveman & Parker Dominguez (2021) state that race creates and justifies systems of privilege, power, oppression, and disenfranchisement. This is evident in the United States, where whites have more power over African Americans and other minority groups. Whites also have more privilege than African Americans, thus having access to the best schools, neighbourhoods, and medical care. Racialization in the United States has been passed across generations, thus creating unequal treatment founded on perceived psychological differences. Modern conceptions of race are also founded on socioeconomic assumptions that depict how far race has been detached from biological qualities.
On the other hand, economics creates a foundation for the sustenance and formation of Society. According to Rabie (2016), a society cannot achieve sustainability without an efficient economy that can meet its needs, thus creating a need for economics to fight poverty by developing and implementing policies that promote economic growth (Rabie,2016). The economy is a piece of every Society, and the Society acts as the structure that enables the economy to function. Based on this relationship, every Society has a unique economy that reflects the Society’s cultural attributes and needs and the Society’s civilization’s major traits. The members of Society also need economics to find the real meaning of their lives. Every Society develops an economy that aligns with its cultural motivations and values, and the economy shapes people’s cultures (Rabie, 2016). Therefore, people’s relationships, attitudes, traditions, and values affect the economy’s organization and goals. According to Rabie (2016), people’s involvement in the economy also makes them dependent on its performance and institutions while making their cultures vulnerable to the impact of socioeconomic changes. Economics also gives people a platform to interact through trade to sustain Society’s functions.
Role of Law and Power in Conflict Theory
The conflict theory posits that the elite in Society creates traditions, laws, and structures to support their dominance while preventing other people from joining the ranks. The role of the law is to establish a balance between the conflicts of the people in the top and bottom ranks in society. The role of power is to ensure that the laws made by the people in the top ranks in Society are respected and followed. The theory assumes that society is comprised of groups competing for economic and social resources. Therefore, they have to maintain social order by domination, which includes giving power to those with more economic, political, and social resources. The groups are united by common interests. Power is also used to help those in the higher ranks in Society to hold their power by all means possible, including suppressing the powerless and poor. The role of law and power in conflict theory can also be interpreted by focusing on competition, revolution, structural inequality, and war. The theory assumes that competition is constant and may be overwhelming in all human interactions and relationships (Jackson, 2014). Competition is created by the scarcity of resources, including commodities, property, and money. Revolution arises from the conflicts that emerge from social classes. According to the conflict theory, a power dynamic in Society does not occur from gradual adaptation to changes around a person but results from the conflict between the groups in Society. Structural inequality arises from societal power inequalities because people with more power receive more rewards. War arises from a growing and cumulative conflict between groups, individuals, and Society.
How the Role of Law and Power in Conflict Theory Applies to My Understanding of Gender Gaps
The role of law and power is applied in understanding gender gaps. For example, males have established dominance in most societies because they have more authority, wealth, and property than females, thus allowing them to create laws within households and Society. Laws established from culture and traditions in Society act as laws that govern how males and females interact in Society. For example, in some societies, the culture dictates that females should take care of the family and complete house chores, and males should provide for their families. This creates a gender gap where females struggle to acquire power over males in Society. Revolution is also applicable to understanding gender gaps in Society. For example, females are taking various measures to close the gender gaps in Society through women’s empowerment to eliminate the social inequalities that limit women from owning property.
The Influence that Gender-Based Theories have had on Criminology
Gender-based theories have a significant impact on criminology. For example, feminist crime theories review the effect of gender differences on crime. The feminist-etiological theories suggest that the low crime rate among females can be interpreted by focusing on gender-specific backgrounds of social interaction. The norms and values set by Society and the females admired by other females because of their success imply that women have fewer opportunities to engage in crime. Ray (2019) argues that the sex-role theory posits that the gender gap in crime rates arises from the differences in gender identities, roles, and the socialization process. These theories influence the justifications for the differences in crime rates among men and women. The marginalization theory creates the perception that male dominance has caused the increase in crime rate among men. The theory posits that the marginal position of females in male-dominated societies is the main reason men commit a crime. The theory also posits that men are not limited to domestic duties and roles, thus creating more opportunities to develop a subculture of crime or commit occupational crimes. The control theory suggests that when women are not controlled by their relatives and fathers, they develop criminal or delinquent behaviour. This theory influences the perception of why women commit crimes.
Braveman, P., & Parker Dominguez, T. (2021). Abandon “race.” Focus on Racism. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.
Jackson, L. (2014). Structural Marxism and power fantasy. The Dematerialisation of Karl Marx, 173–205.
JRank. (2019). Gender and crime – differences between male and female offending patterns. Differences Between Male And Female Offending Patterns – Categories, Women, Arrests, and Crimes – JRank Articles. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from
Ministry of Justice. (2020). Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System 2019. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from
Rabie, M. (2016). Economy and Society. A Theory of Sustainable Sociocultural and Economic Development, 67–79.
Ray, K. (2019). Sex-role theory, offending, and victimization. The Encyclopedia of Women and Crime, 1–4.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Describe the gender gap in crime data and how it differs among various offences.
The roles that race and economics have in society
Gender gap in Crime Data and How it Differs on Various offences
Role of law and Power in conflict theory
How this applies to your understanding of gender gaps
Discuss the influence that gender-based theories have had on criminology