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Gender Discrimination In Sports

Gender Discrimination In Sports

Discussion of the Selected Topic

My topic will be gender discrimination in sports. Gender discrimination is a major issue in the sports industry, especially in professional sports. Women are expected to meet unrealistic expectations to qualify for professional sports, especially in male-dominated sports such as rugby and football. My topic will explore the causes of gender discrimination in sports and how gender discrimination is portrayed in the sports industry. The topic will also explore the history of gender discrimination in the sports industry and key trends that have emerged over the past five years.

Significance of this Topic and My Rationale for Researching this Particular Topic.

The sports industry is rapidly growing as more fans worldwide continue expressing their support from sports leagues within and outside their countries. Women are becoming more involved in sports, leading to the rise of women’s professional sports in different major sports such as basketball, basketball, rugby, football, cricket, and golf, among others. Unfortunately, many talented women are unable to join the professional sports sector because of gender discrimination. This has led to low enrollment of women in the sports industry and a focus on referral programs to enroll female players. Therefore, it is vital to understand the history of gender discrimination in sports, its causes, and how it is portrayed in the sports industry to help stakeholders design effective measures to eliminate it. I will focus on the history and causes of gender discrimination in sports and how it is portrayed to help my audience better understand the issue because those are the main areas that dictate the extent of gender discrimination in sports and how it is perceived in society.

List of Sources I Will Use When Researching this Topic

I will use peer-reviewed journal articles discussing the issue of gender discrimination in the sports industry. I will get the articles from Google Scholar, which is among the most reliable databases for books and academic journals. I have selected the following journal articles for my research:

Azumara, L. (2020). Sexism in Sports. CLA Journal, 8, 76-93.

The article discusses the lack of gender diversity and sexism in sports. The author focuses on the history of women’s involvement in sports and gender discrimination and its causes. The author argues that the sports industry portrays gender inequality through mechanisms of discrimination and sexism. The author argues that gender inequality is caused by sexist beliefs that dominate most societies, particularly in America, leading to the oppression of women. I will use the article to gather information about the history of gender discrimination in sports.

Deshpande, V. M. (2016). Gender discrimination in sports. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health, 33, 545-547.

The article discusses the role of school sports in institutionalizing a gender-biased and gender-specific sport value system. The article also reviews the history and evolution of the socio-cultural context that creates a foundation for professional sports and the impact of school sports on male and female players. The author’s main argument is that the development of school sports has, over the years, devalued and marginalized women’s sports and women’s players, leading to the oppression of females who participate in different sports. The author also argues that the media plays a vital role in promoting gender discrimination in sports. Therefore, I will use the article to gather information about the causes of gender discrimination in sports.

Trolan, E. J. (2013). The impact of the media on gender inequality within sport. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 91, 215-227.

The article discusses the role of the media in promoting gender discrimination in sports. The author argues that the media portrays female athletes as inferior to their male counterparts and have maintained an obsession with body features rather than athletic skills. The author also argues that female sports have limited media coverage compared to male sports. He adds that media reporting is characterized by sexualizing, underrepresenting, heterosexualizing, and trivializing women in sports. I will use the article to gather information on how gender discrimination is portrayed in sports.


Azumara, L. (2020). Sexism in Sports. CLA Journal, 8, 76-93.

Deshpande, V. M. (2016). Gender discrimination in sports. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health, 33, 545-547.

Trolan, E. J. (2013). The impact of the media on gender inequality within sport. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 91, 215-227.


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Please provide the topic of your final paper for the instructor’s approval. This is the topic that will be used to complete your assignment, which is due at the end of week seven. You may select any topic that pertains to the History, Culture, and Social Contexts of Sport. Select a topic that is meaningful and significant to you. Please be sure to review the paper requirements in the instructions for the final assignment before completing this assignment.

Gender Discrimination In Sports

Gender Discrimination In Sports

For this assignment, please provide the following:

List and briefly describe the selected topic.
Briefly describe the significance of this topic and your rationale for researching this particular topic.
Briefly describe and list sources you will use when researching this topic (i.e., specific journals, books, articles, etc.). Remember, at least 75% of your sources need to be scholarly; newspapers, magazines, blogs, and most information on general websites are not scholarly.
Please upload this into a Word document and follow the writing expectations for the course. Each question must be answered in paragraph form and should include approximately 3-7 sentences per response. Be sure to include an APA-formatted title page and reference page (if you referenced any material).