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Freedom of Speech-Benefits and Restrictions

Freedom of Speech-Benefits and Restrictions

Freedom of speech is a widely accepted concept, especially when it pertains to a democratic society, and hence, it should be regarded as such. However, some questions linger in terms of how this freedom is taken. Even though some individuals believe that freedom of speech should be upheld at all times, others believe that it can be used as a way and excuse to articulate harmful things that, in the long run, may lack reprimand (Kenyon et al., 2017). For that reason, in order to understand how freedom of speech operates, it is crucial to assess its origin critically, how it varies across different nations around the world, how society benefits, and the limitations faced (Kenyon et al., 2017).

Furthermore, freedom of speech is regarded as the legal right to express or search for ideas freely without the fear of being censored or facing legal action. Additionally, it is part of an individual’s right to express themselves in whatever manner they deem fit. An example of why freedom of speech may be beneficial is that it allows society to develop and, hence, register some form of progress. In addition, the fact that individuals can express their opinions and speak freely suggests that change in society is inevitable. Accordingly, individuals can spot and address some vices in society, which, as a result, prompts action from the respective authorities. On the other hand, freedom of speech may be restricted when national security and public safety are compromised, when preventing disorder and crime, or when protecting confidential information (Shovon, 2019). Essentially, these restrictions aim to maintain order in any institution, hence prompting the limitation of freedom of speech.


Kenyon, A. T., Svensson, E. M., & Edström, M. (2017). Building and Sustaining Freedom of Expression. Nordicom Review38(1), 31-45.

Shovon, S. K. (2019). Freedom of Expression: Rights and Restrictions (Doctoral dissertation, East West University).


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Freedom of Speech-Benefits and Restrictions

Freedom of Speech-Benefits and Restrictions

Freedom of speech is a complicated topic. Give examples of why it might be beneficial to have absolute free speech. Then, give examples of why it might be helpful to have certain restrictions. Which do you feel is better, and why?