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Foster Care Survey

Foster Care Survey


How would you rate the foster care program in your community?

Highly effective

Moderately effective

Less effective

Are children of incarcerated parents and drug addicts treated differently in the foster care program?



Are minority groups treated differently in the foster care program in your community?



Which foster care program has the highest population of foster kids?

Group homes

Kinship care

Does your community have a follow-up program to support young people aging out of foster care?



Does your community have a program to offer emotional support to foster parents?



Do foster care parents in your community receive financial assistance from the government?



Are the children raising complaints in foster care in your community taken seriously and addressed without favoring the foster parent?



Does your community have a vetting process for individuals interested in becoming foster care parents?



How often do foster care runaway cases occur?

Very often


Moderately often

Summary of Findings

The survey was distributed among 15 respondents. Three of the respondents were foster care parents, three were individuals who grew up in foster care programs, and three were social workers in charge of monitoring the welfare of children under foster care. The survey aimed to determine the effectiveness of foster care in the selected community and the challenges affecting it. Tyler & Melander (2010) argue that the foster care program in most communities is ineffective in providing parental care to children with no guardians due to poor placement, poor parenting, and lack of support from relevant authorities. All social workers and foster parents stated that the foster care program in the community was highly effective, while the three foster care alumni stated that the program was less effective. The difference in opinion could be attributed to how foster care children are directly affected by a poor foster care program. Social workers and foster parents may not understand some of the challenges that foster children undergo, such as lack of emotional support and lack of access to basic needs, especially in group homes. According to Tyler & Melander (2010), most foster care children suffer in silence due to fear of being separated from their friends in group homes. Therefore, only individuals who have grown up in foster care can accurately assess its effectiveness.

All respondents stated that children of incarcerated parents and drug addicts are treated differently in the foster care program and that minority groups are treated differently in the foster care program in the community. Children under foster care are often judged based on their parent’s background. According to Sydow & Flango (2012), minority groups are often discriminated against because most of them come from low-income families. Children of incarcerated parents and drug addicts are viewed as troublemakers and are often blamed for any negative incident in the foster home, such as theft. All respondents stated that group homes have the highest population of foster kids. Schall (2013) argues that group homes are the most preferred foster care program because they are easy to maintain and can accommodate many foster kids, thus reducing the population of homeless children. The respondents stated that the community does not have a follow-up program to support youth aging out of foster care. The respondents also stated that their community does not have a program to offer emotional support to foster parents. However, all respondents indicated that foster parents in the community receive financial assistance from the government.

Social workers and foster parents stated that complaints raised by children in foster care in the community are taken seriously and addressed without favoring the foster parent. However, foster care noted that this is not the case. In most cases, complaints raised by foster care children are not taken seriously because it is assumed that they are only seeking attention or want to be transferred to another foster home. Nevertheless, social workers try to minimize complaints by vetting individuals interested in becoming foster care parents. All respondents acknowledged the existence of the vetting process in their community. All respondents also indicated that foster care runaway cases occur very often. Thus, there is a need to review the foster care program in the community and review the vetting process to ensure that only qualified individuals are allowed to parent foster care children.

In most cases, foster care runaway incidents occur due to mistreatment and emotional and psychological issues, especially among children separated from their siblings by the foster care system (Tyler & Melander, 2010). Therefore, the emotional well-being of the foster care children should be maintained through counseling. It is also essential to review the process of handling complaints raised by foster care children to ensure that they are investigated and addressed without favoring the foster parent.


Schall, V. L. (2013). Group homes/Foster care. The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1-3.

Sydow, N. E., & Flango, V. E. (2012). Physical and emotional well-being: Court performance measures for children and youth in foster care. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 63(4), 1-21.

Tyler, K. A., & Melander, L. A. (2010). Foster care placement, poor parenting, and negative outcomes among homeless young adults. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(6), 787-794.


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Write at least a paper using APA format, cite references, and submit a reference page.

*Develop a survey with at least 10 questions on a topic of your choice.

Foster Care Survey

Foster Care Survey

* Survey at least 15 individuals to answer your survey questions.
* Compile your results and write a summary of your research findings.
*Attach the survey that you developed and your results to the assignment.

Note: Reading is Chapter 7. Thanks