Final Case Study- Consulting for the Caring Angel Hospital
As a Senior Consultant for a Practical Health Care Consulting firm, I have been tasked with focusing on what is happening at Caring Angel Hospital to understand how each department operates if I ever need to fill in. My role is to improve the quality of healthcare, which entails revamping the staff to accomplish this. I aim to turn this hospital around in three months while increasing revenue, and I intend to succeed.
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Improve the standard of care.
Caring Angel Hospital can improve care quality by determining where to focus improvement efforts, which processes can be changed to improve outcomes, developing and implementing effective improvement strategies, and monitoring and sharing results. Collecting data and measuring performance reveals the initiatives taken to make these improvements and the areas that still require work. While focusing on one department may seem like a good idea, spreading change throughout the hospital can be critical to its success. One of our main issues is customer service; many of our patients believe their concerns aren’t being addressed, so they seek care elsewhere. In my experience, it is best to seek doctors specializing in all types of care. Patients expect to be nurtured and to feel as if their concerns have been addressed properly and that any necessary follow-up care has been provided. Suppose we are to provide follow-up care within our facility. In that case, we must ensure that someone follows up with patient reminders to reduce and eliminate missed appointments. (2012) (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner).
Increase employee morale
Employee morale appears to have plummeted at Caring Angel Hospital. Employees have complaints about the environment, management is not listening to their concerns, and many are not taking responsibility for their actions. We can improve employee morale by giving them a reason to believe, showing you care, recognizing the good, learning the value of “fringe” benefits, promoting from within, and making sure the environment is fun and friendly. Employees should understand that they are an important part of what keeps the hospital running. This should encourage them to embrace both growth and change. Being involved in the lives of your employees demonstrates that they are valued and loved.
When people feel important, they will effortlessly give more of themselves, especially when they know they are appreciated. Praise the employees and show them that their efforts have been recognized; this will motivate them to go above and beyond for our patients. Many businesses cannot provide benefits to their employees, which can impede progress. However, providing “fringe” benefits, something small and inexpensive, could go a long way with them. (2010) (Upeneiks et al.). When new positions become available, consider current employees for those positions, ones that are reliable and have proven that they can get the job done. Determine which employees have skills and talents and how they can help the hospital. Help improve training, which will help the process in which these employees operate. Finally, companies that have fun and aren’t solely concerned with business help employee morale. Employees will feel that the company cannot function without them at events where they can bring their families, such as company happy hours, dinners, etc. Caring, recognition, reward, and appreciation are important words to remember when boosting employee morale.
Create an effective organizational chart.
Organizational charts depict the flow of how things work within an organization. This chart can assist Caring Angel Hospital in better managing its business by enforcing better communication within the company and establishing good morale. Morale is important in keeping the organizational structure together. Employees feel more important when morale is high, and they begin to offer their ideas and ensure that what is enforced is consistent with what other hospitals in the area provide. Encouraging communication throughout the organization will help to improve its structure. (2012) (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner). Departments must communicate with one another, management must have an open-door policy, and management must be able to communicate with executives as needed. All assigned decision-makers must be identified, including their titles and job descriptions. Managers need certain levels of authority to make decisions that may directly affect their department. With an organizational chart, issues that need to be escalated can move up the chain accordingly.
Build a strong team environment.
A high-performing team is required to be considered a high-performing company. There are several things to put in place to accomplish this, including being aware of work ethic, being comfortable with your team, defining roles and responsibilities, providing constant feedback, rewarding them, and celebrating their success. Also, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual within the team will help determine where certain employees can be most effective. (2010) (Upeneiks, Lee, Flanagan, and Doebbeling).
Make the hospital’s edging.
Creating the Edge at Caring Angels Hospital briefly examines the hospital’s current offerings. A comparison of what other hospitals in the area offer should match what we provide. These programs should improve the needs of patients, keeping us highly ranked and valuable compared to our competitors. A benefit to our patients benefits us in the long run.
Given the current financial situation, suggest one approach the hospital could take to gain a larger market share. Justify your suggestion.
Given Caring Angels Hospital’s current financial situation, a complete overhaul is required to pursue a larger market share. We should think about any potential mergers that would benefit our hospital. We currently have the best cancer center in the area. One of the other hospitals is stronger in other areas, and combining forces with them will expand our clientele and financial records. Offering a one-stop shop for patients will relieve a lot of the stress we have faced year after year, but we will send out surveys before and after the merger to see if we have excelled in any areas. Finally, the decision is based on what is best for our patients.
Look into at least two value-added services that Caring Angel Hospital could provide to improve its value proposition.
Setting up consultations for services in areas we used to lack before our merger would be two value-added services that Caring Angel Hospital could offer to strengthen its value proposition. We must demonstrate to our patients that we are the best option for their healthcare needs and that they will be accommodated. Another issue is the scheduling. By providing our patients with online access to their accounts, they can set up appointments, receive reminders, and even review test results (Pott & Holtz, 2014). Thus, this should help to eliminate patients arriving on the wrong days and times, causing confusion on everyone’s part and allowing us to provide continuous care.
Although patient-centered care is defined and measured to achieve success, our data has revealed that we at Caring Angel Hospital can do so much better. While numerous indicators indicate that we have not met the patient’s expectations, we have implemented a routine that should have this hospital back on track in no time. The ongoing survey will inform us of the areas where we are still lacking and where we have made progress.
Other Related Post: Patient Interview
Burns, L.R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B.J. (2012). Shortell and Kaluzny’s Health Care Management Organization Design and Behavior. (6th ed.) New York: Delmar Cengage Learning
Upeneiks, V.V., Lee, E.A., Flanagan, M.E., and Doebbeling, B.N. (2010). Healthcare team vitality instrument (HTVI): developing a tool assessing healthcare team functioning. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66. (1) p. 168-176. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05137.x
Pott, J., and Holtz, J. (2014). The potential of value-added services in micro health insurance. Enterprise Development and Microfinance 25 (1) p. 11-24. DOI: 10.3362/1755-1986.2014.003
We’ll write everything from scratch
Imagine that you are a senior consultant at Practical Health Care Consulting.
instructed you to spend three months at the Caring Angel Hospital to help
improve the quality of care,

Consulting for the Caring Angel Hospital
add value to the organization,
improve employee morale,
design an efficient organizational chart,
create a strong team environment,
and create the hospital’s competitive advantage
At the end of the three months, you must report your recommended strategies for helping Caring Angel Hospital achieve its goals.
Write a 5–7 page paper in which you:
- Propose the major steps that Caring Angel Hospital could take to achieve each of the following goals:
- Improve the quality of care.
- Add value to the organization.
- Improve employee morale.
- Design an efficient organizational chart.
- Create a strong team environment.
- Create the hospital’s competitive edge.
- Given the prevailing financial circumstances, recommend one approach the hospital could use to acquire a larger market share. Support your recommendation with specific examples.
- Propose at least two value-added services that Caring Angel Hospital could offer to strengthen its value proposition. Support your proposal with at least two examples of the advantages of these value-added services to the hospital.
- Use at least four quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least once within your assignment.
- Use the Strayer University Online Library to find four current quality academic resources (within the last five years) for this assignment.