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Family Functions

Family Functions

The family can be described as one of the most common and essential social institutions that perform varying roles in society. These roles of functions of families vary depending on the culture of the community that the family is in. Nevertheless, common functions are present across all families despite the varying cultural backgrounds. One common family function is providing economic support (Hammond et al., 2015). Adults, particularly parents, are expected to provide for the family. Economic support includes providing a house to live in, clothes, food, education, and all other recreational activities that families engage in. For example, my parents are the providers in my family and support the whole family and extended family members in some instances. However, they encouraged us to get jobs to teach us independence, among other values.

Secondly, another universal family function is emotional support (Hammond et al., 2015). Among other things, affection and love are the basis of family ties. During good and bad times, the family comes together to celebrate or to comfort each other. An example of how emotional support presents itself in my family is when a newborn baby is born. While a new addition to the family is joyful, some challenges, like postpartum depression, come with it. During the first months after a newborn baby is born, our family members frequently visit the new parents to check on them and help them out. This also applies to times of grief and sickness, to name a few, where we all chip in to help in any way we can.

Moreover, the family has the function of reproduction to ensure the continuity of society and the human race (Rajon Jaishy & Pandey, n.d.). While not everyone wants to have kids nowadays, many people who choose to get married and become a family will, later on, have children. The family then takes care of these children, who then grow up and get children of their own, which continues to grow the society and ensure continuity. My family presents reproduction by having children as my parents had me.


Hammond, R., Cheney, P., & Pearsey, R. (2015). Introduction to sociology.

Rajon Jaishy, P., & Pandey, A. K. (n.d.) Family Dynamics during Lockdown. Handbook of Mental Health Issues during COVID19, 23.


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Describe 3 family functions? How do these family functions present in your family?

Family Functions

Family Functions

Note: reading is chapter 1 of the textbook. Thank you