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Factors Influencing Food Choices- Understanding Challenges and Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating

Factors Influencing Food Choices- Understanding Challenges and Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating

Nutrition is an important element of one’s overall growth and well-being. Proper nutrition is linked to stronger immune systems, healthier pregnancies and delivery, a decreased risk of diseases, and longer life. Children who are in good health learn more effectively. Nutrients are the wonderful things we acquire from a diet that we need to sustain and nurture ourselves so that we may live long and healthy lives. Nutrition is the amount of food that a body requires to nourish and maintain its organs (Kurtipek et al., 2020). Nutrients can be obtained through items like multivitamins, although when we think about a nutritional diet, we are often referring to the elements obtained from foodstuffs.

Importance of Nutrition

Without food, we become weak, ill, and, in the worst-case scenario, die. We skip some growth phases, and we are unable to take our systems through the physically and emotionally available challenges that we require on a regular basis. We can’t develop, and we might not be able to replicate. While our bodies require nutrients to stay healthy and thrive, the activity of metabolism produces stressors (Kurtipek et al., 2020). We increase our stress levels through overeating, which might contribute to a shorter lifespan if no adjustments are made.

Our lives can be drastically reduced if we give our bodies the wrong kinds of foods. Our lifespan might be extended if we consume diets that are high in nutrients and low in packaged foods. Many individuals choose low-carbohydrate diets; however, this might harm their moods. These diets might make you feel tenser, while carbohydrate-rich diets tend to make you feel better (Netea et al., 2020). You may get an appropriate quantity of iron, omega-3 fats, and iron by eating a diet high in protein, moderate in carbs, and low calories, and your moods will improve as a result.

Characteristics of a Healthy Diet

Nutrition is the fuel that allows the breakdown of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fruits, then use it to rebuild and create cells and organs, which is what our metabolic reactions are all about. Proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, enzymes, fiber, and water are all essential elements for a healthy person to flourish. We require a lot of key nutrients, but we could get around with a little less nutrients. One of the pillars of a balanced diet is moderation and quantity management may help you to find your favorite foods in a better way (Netea et al., 2020). In cafes, serving proportions are larger than they have ever been, and many consumers are unaware of correct meal portion proportions.

Vitamins, enzymes, fibers, and minerals abound in fruits and fresh vegetables, yet they are low in calories. Keeping fruits and vegetables a regular habit of the diet may lower the chance of acquiring chronic illnesses such as cancer. Every food group supplies various nutrients to the cells; as a result, we must consume foods from across all five categories in our daily meals to ensure we obtain the entire variety of nutrients our systems require to function properly and remain healthy (Ordovas et al., 2018). For example, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole carbohydrates are common components of a balanced diet. Although high-sugar, high-calorie items can be eaten on rare occasions, they are better avoided in general. A typical daily calorie intake for weight reduction is 1,100 to 1,700 calories.

Factors that can Impact Person’s Food Choices

Biological factors (taste and palatability); the satisfaction a person gets from tasting a food boosts the palatability of that meal. A meal’s palatability is influenced by its flavor, fragrance, viscosity, and presentation (Netea et al., 2020). Sweet foods, for instance, have an improved sensory attraction and palatability, which means they can be eaten for pleasure instead of for calories and nutrition. According to reports, the more appealing a dish is, the more likely it is to be consumed.

Economic factors (cost of food), the price of food, and a person’s capacity to purchase certain meals are the most important factors in determining food preferences. Poor-income people are said to have imbalanced diets with insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption. However, just because people have more money to spend on food does not guarantee they will eat a much more balanced and nutritious diet. Furthermore, people may be hesitant to purchase new meals for fear of wasting the food if their family rejects it.

Islamic Culture

Restrictions: Muslims consume halal meals such as fruits, vegetables, and poultry. Any beef Muslims eat should come from a certified slaughtered animal. Halal refers to what is permitted under Islamic law, and it is the framework through which Muslims interpret dietary limitations. Pork, crabs, blood, unlawful animal-derived ingredients like collagen or suet, alcoholic drinks, and any meal products containing alcohol components are all considered haram (forbidden) (Farid & Basri, 2020). Furthermore, during Ramadan, Muslims must abstain from eating, drinking, or taking medicine between dawn and sundown.

Restrictions, for example, during the Ramadan month, Muslims may not get the healthy diet that is recommended due to long hours without food and limited diets. All the calories before the next meal are very exhausting, and therefore, people feel very weak. More so, foods like crabs are seafood, and they are rich in proteins and omega-3, which is a very effective stimulant for brain development (Farid & Basri, 2020). On the other hand, foods like pork and crabs are replaced by soybeans, lean meat, and dairy products. Furthermore, during Ramadan, Muslims are allowed to have one meal at midnight; therefore, people may decide to prepare strong food with a healthy diet.


Kurtipek, S., Güngör, N. B., Esentürk, O. K., & Tolukan, E. (2020). The mediating role of nutrition knowledge level in the effect of mindfulness on healthy nutrition obsession. Progress in Nutrition22(1-S), 138-145.

Netea, M. G., Domínguez-Andrés, J., Barreiro, L. B., Chavakis, T., Divangahi, M., Fuchs, E., … & Latz, E. (2020). Defining trained immunity and its role in health and disease. Nature Reviews Immunology20(6), 375-388.

Ordovas, J. M., Ferguson, L. R., Tai, E. S., & Mathers, J. C. (2018). Personalized nutrition and health. Bmj361.

Farid, M., & Basri, H. (2020). The Effects of Haram Food on Human Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence Levels. Indonesian Journal of Halal Research (IJHAR)2(1), 21-26.


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Healthcare professionals would be thrilled if individuals decided what to eat based on a solid knowledge of what constitutes a “healthy diet.” Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Many people do not know what constitutes a healthy diet, and there are also those who do know but make less healthy choices for several reasons.

Factors Influencing Food Choices- Understanding Challenges and Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating

Factors Influencing Food Choices- Understanding Challenges and Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating

A variety of factors influence the food choices that people make. Factor categories include, but are not limited to, environmental cues, socioeconomic realities, cultural/religious beliefs, and the availability of foods in the community.