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Extended Executive Summary

Extended Executive Summary

Strategic Plans to Improve the Company’s Competitive Advantage.

If the company can utilize the economies of scale and ensure that the services are of lower costs, then these prices would not be replicated by other industries. Thus, the company should adopt a cost leadership strategy to reap maximum profits because of its cost advantage over competitors (David et al., 2017).

Also, southwest airlines should be in a position to adopt a differentiation strategy where it will have its services different from other competitors and provided at lower costs, with a variety of services, and those that are different, it would maintain its competitive advantage (David et al., 2017). This can be ensured by providing high-quality services to its esteemed customers or innovative services. With successful differentiation, ten southwest will set premium prices for its services.

Additionally, I would recommend the corporation focus on a narrow market segment.

However, this will only be achieved if the company can create services that successfully cater to its customers (David et al., 2017). In the narrow market segment, the company will focus on the lowest-cost producer of differentiated products

How Leadership Skills Can Be Used to Encourage Innovation to Improve the Company

 The company’s innovation will be ensured with effective leadership and leaders with quality skills. Developing an innovative culture is a great engagement tool for the employees since it gives them skin in the game to feel valued and the knowledge that their ideas and opinions are highly considered.

Leadership skills in an organization can be used to ensure innovation by focusing on customers. Leaders that encourage innovation can and their customers, what they desire, their preferences, and sensitiveness as relative leaders know that without customers, the company does not exist (Schoemaker et al., 2018). Southwest should therefore have leaders that monitor the interaction of customers and their retention and use this data to evaluate what the customers want, or in the future, they will want; this will therefore improve the company greatly.

Another leadership skill is thinking about the future. Innovative leaders always look and imagine the future and what the industry will look like in some years (Schoemaker et al., 2018). Southwest should ensure that the leaders in the company are focused on the future, and they use their knowledge concerning the market trends and various projections, and customers and imagine what the customers will be doing in the future. With this, then the company will improve.

Decisions Company Leadership Can Make to Capitalize on Untapped Business Opportunities

If you look closely enough, a few industries perform better than ever during a recession. However, a company should decide how to tap any opportunity to maintain a competitive advantage. One of the decisions that southwest airlines can have is not to forget the targets. It is important to understand who the ideal customers are for the company (Sawaean & Ali, 2020). With this in mind, the company will be able to promote its customers, and with any service that they want to introduce, they will know what to do and who to rely on. Also, the company should stay tuned to the market. Understanding the market when a company needs or is preparing to scale. Southwest should rely on market research to provide the best to the clients and identify any opportunities available.


David, F. R., David, F. R., & David, M. E. (2017). Strategic management: concepts and cases: A competitive advantage approach. Pearson.

Schoemaker, P. J., Heaton, S., & Teece, D. (2018). Innovation, dynamic capabilities, and leadership. California Management Review, 61(1), 15-42.

Sawaean, F., & Ali, K. (2020). The impact of entrepreneurial leadership and learning orientation on organizational performance of SMEs: The mediating role of innovation capacity. Management Science Letters, 10(2), 369-380.


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Part I: Extended Executive Summary
You will complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of 500 words individually. Extended in that you must offer detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis. The intent here is to allow you enough opportunity to prove your grasp of the tools and concepts as you present, both in writing and in a video (see Part II), your findings and recommendations for the case you and your colleagues spent the last seven weeks developing. While you must spend time explaining the points of differentiation between you and your team members, you must explain how you came to the conclusions and recommendations you are submitting.

Extended Executive Summary

Extended Executive Summary

Complete an “Extended” Executive Summary by providing detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis you completed with your CLC group.
Where appropriate, among the various elements of the Strategic Case Analysis, address the following points.
These elements align with the rubric used to score your effort.

  • Recommend strategic plans to improve the company’s competitive advantage.
  • Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.
  • Recommend specific decisions company leadership can make to capitalize on untapped business opportunities.
  • List the industry-specific resources you used to develop your strategic case analysis and the sources that inform your suggestions in the bullet points above.