Exploring Unintentional Racism
Analyzing the Instructor’s Self-Reflection on Being Racist.
I can’t entirely agree with the instructor’s conclusion that he is racist/ based on the situation; he did not have sufficient information regarding Tim’s circumstances. However, his thoughts about racial stereotypes are fueled by implicit biases that lead to unintentional thoughts and behaviors (Brown University, 2021). However, suppose he consciously thought about these assumptions and attributed them to the board, then he would be racist. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Characterizing the Differences Between the Two Racism Scenarios of the Bus Drivers and the Instructor
The bus drivers’ racism is fueled by explicit bias against people of color. They acted consciously to demean and degrade African Americans. However, the instructor’s racist tendencies are unintentional because implicit biases drive them. In addition, the instructor does not act on these biases to harm or demean Tim. The two kinds of racism are prevalent in society. Some people knowingly discriminate against others and demonstrate hatred. Similarly, others claim to be non-racist, but their occasional behaviors and tendencies show otherwise (Stanford University, 2016). Both types of racism are destructive because, in most cases, they hurt the victims, whether the perpetrator intended the outcome or otherwise.
Personal Experience with Racism and How Similar It Was to Both of the Two Cases Above
While visiting my relatives in Europe, I overheard my Aunt’s conversation with her friend about how, when it comes to seeking jobs in European companies, darker skin-toned individuals had a minimal chance to secure employment than skin-toned skin-toned colleagues. This workplace discrimination would continue even after work, where the employees of color would access fewer opportunities than their counterparts. The complaints about this nature of racism were not addressed entirely because the company was not diverse enough. The racism was like the bus driver’s and instructor’s racism. These two similarities were present because they came from different organizational quarters. Some individuals were acting without intent, while others were purposeful.
Brown University. (2021). Strategies and Resources About Implicit Bias. Retrieved from https://www.brown.edu/sheridan/teaching-learning-resources/inclusive-teaching/implicit-bias
Stanford University. (2016). Implicit Bias. Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/implicit-bias/
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Exploring Unintentional Racism
Read “Exploring Unintentional Racism: The Case of Tim Banks”
1. Do you agree with the instructor’s conclusion that he is a racist? Explain your answer.
2 . How would you characterize the difference between the racism of the bus drivers and the instructor? Are both kinds equally prevalent in our society, and to what degree are they both destructive?
3. Can you think of any examples of racism in your experience? How are they similar to and different from this example? Was your experience nearer the “bus driver” end of the racism continuum or more like the instructor’s “racism”?