Exploring Sociological Issues in Health and Medicine- A Review and Analysis of I Know About Trauma. And I Know the Treatment Works
The Series article provides an overview of the life of a person living with PTSD. The narrator begins by dismissing common misconceptions about PTSD by stating that PTSD is not only associated with being a war veteran, being homeless, committing suicide, and being a heroin addict (Humans of New York, 2016). He also states that PTSD is not the end of the world but is an anxiety disorder that can be treated as long as someone is willing to get help. The narrator states that the mindset military people adopt at war does not apply in the normal world, and soldiers need to focus on fixing their broken nervous system. The soldier has to adjust to living in a peaceful environment around his family and friends. The narrator then gives an overview of PTSD. He describes it as a condition arising from an overactive sympathetic nervous system (Humans of New York, 2016). He explains that if a soldier’s mind stays in the fight or flight mode for too long, it does not return to its normal state. He further states that PTSD creates the feeling that something terrible is about to happen, thus causing confusion, anxiety, and isolation. He identifies the first symptom of PTSD as a sense of a foreshortened future. He gives an account of his experience with veterans after completing a program that involved helping people with AIDS. He states that helping veterans and people with AIDS involves a highly stigmatized diagnosis and counseling people who have had unexpected and horrible experiences. He narrates that his clients, when he was running the AIDS program, never lived for a maximum of two years, and his role was trying to help them manage their terror. He explains that the experience was challenging for him because his partner was also suffering from the disease and was dying. He states that he tried to make his partner’s dying process as comfortable as possible and tried everything. His partner thought he was going to survive. The narrator also thought that his partner would make it but finally gave up when he saw him emaciated, dehydrated, and covered in ulcers. After his partner’s death, the narrator never talked about him in his support group, but his patients found out and attended the funeral (Humans of New York, 2016). The narrator states that the experience with his partner helped him experience trauma, thus making trauma management more than a profession for him. He adds that he knows that trauma treatment works because he has been through it.
How is the Series feature related to a sociological issue/problem in either health and medicine or sexuality? Read the text or lessons from this week.
The Series feature is related to the health issue of sexually transmitted diseases, which is, in this case, AIDS. The narrator explains both the emotional and psychological torture that people with AIDS undergo. He relates the psychological torture to the patient’s unwillingness to let go and believing that they can make it despite the continued deterioration of their health. The Series also explores the trauma that the loved ones of people with AIDS undergo after watching them experience pain and die slowly because there is nothing they can do to help them. According to Mathew (2013), PTSD is common among adults caring for AIDS patients due to the experience of watching them undergo pain and suffering before their death. It also depicts the despair that the loved ones experience after trying everything they can without being successful. The Series suggests that trauma develops gradually, especially as a result of conflict between reality and past experiences, which may make an individual become trapped in a past traumatic experience. This is evident in how soldiers suffer from trauma-related psychological problems such as PTSD because their minds remain in the fight or flight mode triggered by a horrifying experience.
Humans of New York. (2016). Invisible wounds. I know about trauma. And I know the treatment works. https://www.humansofnewyork.com/tagged/Invisible-Wounds#13
Mathew, V. (2013). 988 – Coping strategies among primary caregivers of hiv/aids infected individuals. European Psychiatry, 28, 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0924-9338(13)76124-8
We’ll write everything from scratch
Go to this Humans of New York site http://www.humansofnewyork.com/ and explore several of the series featured on the home page’s “Series” link. Address the following in a 1-2 page essay.
Exploring Sociological Issues in Health and Medicine- A Review and Analysis of I Know About Trauma. And I Know the Treatment Works
Summarize the Series article you chose.
Explain how the Series feature is related to a sociological issue/problem in either health and medicine or sexuality that you read in your text or lessons from this week. Include at least 3 key sociological concepts or terms in your description.
3) Be sure to format your paper using proper APA. Don’t forget to cite the Series article you chose, as well as any outside resources