Exploring Research Topics- Brainstorming and Reflection for Processfolio #1
Processfolio #1
Topic: Effect of video games on aggression among adolescents | |
Understandings: From my experience with individuals who constantly watch and play violent video games, I have noticed a high probability of aggressive behaviors among them. As a result, I came to the conclusion that there must be a positive association between violent video games and aggressive tendencies. | Essential Questions: Does watching violent video games lead to aggressive tendencies?
Are there other potentially negative or positive effects from watching violent video games? If so, are the effects more common among adolescents compared to other age groups?
Research Question: With the pervasive rise in the use of video games among adolescents, is there a possible effect on aggressive tendencies as a result of exposure to such content? | ROTS: Video games continue to be improved to make them more real and enhance players’ experience. Therefore, experiments can be conducted to assess any causality or link between violent video games and aggressive tendencies. These experiments can be repeated and compared to show more conclusive evidence. Both new and old participants can be interviewed and re-interviewed if necessary. The topic is specific to adolescents and violent video games, and the same question can be revisited to track any changes and trends.
Identify and define your variables: The independent variable is violent video games, whereas the dependent variable is aggressive behavior among adolescents.
Violent video games refer to any video games that include: killing, dismembering, sexual assault, or maiming. The graphic nature of recent video games makes role-playing video games feel almost real, as though one were actually indulging in the act. Aggressive behavior involves such things as physical abuse or assault, such as biting, kicking, or hitting another person or objects or verbal hostility directed towards others. A check for aggressive tendencies due to factors like family violence needs to be put into consideration while reviewing this topic. |
Develop a working hypothesis: Violent video games positively impact aggressive behaviors among adolescents. |
Topic: The impact of fashion magazines on women’s body image. | |
Understandings: Most fashion magazines make use of unrealistically slim and beautiful ladies, most of whom are models and celebrities. In doing so, they set a standard of beauty for most women, and those who feel that they fall short of the standard are made to feel dissatisfied with their bodies, hence leading to other negative impacts on their psychological being. Such dissatisfaction is also associated with high rates of eating disorders among women and teenagers. | Essential Questions: What is the impact of fashion magazines on the body image of women who utilize them?
How do fashion magazines influence ideals of beauty among women? Is there a link between fashion magazines and the increase in eating disorders among teenagers? |
Research Question: With the rise in incidents of mental health problems like depression, eating disorders, and anxiety, what is the role played by fashion magazines, particularly as it relates to the issue of negative body image among women in a longitudinal study design? | ROTS: Mental health issues are common in the current society, and therefore research on possible causes or links can be made repeatedly to find plausible solutions. Data can be compared between current and previous studies to find any trends. Furthermore, through qualitative analysis, comparisons on observable behaviors like extreme indulgence in exercise to fit the thin ideal will be conducted. The same research question can be revisited in the future to find if any progress has been made, and this will be easier since it involves a specific group of people, women. |
Identify and define your variables: The independent variable is fashion magazines, whereas the dependent variable is body image.
The operational definition of a fashion magazine is any magazine that features celebrity women in stylish clothes. The operational definition of body image is how one views their body and attractiveness in relation to that of others who are considered beautiful in society. |
Develop a working hypothesis: Fashion magazines increase body dissatisfaction and negative body image among women in general by enhancing internalization of the thin ideal, which causes disordered eating and excessive exercise. |
Which topic/research question do you like best and why?
I like the topic on fashion magazines and body image more than the one on violent video games and aggression. The current society has seen an upsurge in obesity and mental health problems like depression and eating disorders. These are some of the effects that arise from negative body image. By exploring this topic, I will be able to understand some of the causes of these mental health problems and also find possible solutions to them.
What are your concerns or puzzles about the topic/research question?
My major concern about the topic is that there are so many things tied to negative body image, like eating disorders, and I might find myself mixing these up while exploring the topic. Furthermore, I am not sure if the term women is too general or not and whether there will be a need to specify a certain age group.
(Answer this after you receive feedback from your instructor): After taking all of this into consideration, which research topic/question will you pursue for your research proposal?
After taking all these things into consideration, I have decided to pursue the topic of the effect of fashion magazines on the body image of women who consume such content.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For Processfolio #1, you will brainstorm two potential topics on which you are interested in conducting research and reflect on them before making a decision about which to pursue.

Exploring Research Topics- Brainstorming and Reflection for Processfolio #1
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