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Examining the Age Structure – Population Pyramid Analysis of a Selected Country

Examining the Age Structure – Population Pyramid Analysis of a Selected Country

Italy Age Pyramid

Based on the above pyramid, Italy has a constrictive age pyramid. This structure is characterized by a narrow base indicative of declining birth rates (Saroha, 2018). People aged 0-14 years are the smallest segment of Italy’s population. Subsequently, ages 15-64 comprise the largest segment of the population. People aged 15-64 are the productive individuals in society. That shows that most of Italy’s population is working. Besides, the pyramid also shows that Italy has a significant portion of older people. From the pyramid above, older people are aged 65 years or older.

The advantages of Italy’s population structure above include high productivity. The country has a significant portion of active and working adults, which implies high workforce participation (Saroha, 2018). Besides, Italy’s older population, which makes up a large portion of the country’s total population, contributes positively to social cohesion. Older people have been around long enough, and they espouse positive values such as regard for family stability, something that keeps the society together. Another advantage is the wealth of experience older adults contribute to the economy, and this may include individual expertise, savings culture, and investment-oriented practices, collectively contributing to the nation’s economic stability.

On the flip side, Italy’s population age distribution means a high dependency ratio on the working population of older adults and children. In particular, most older people are not working, yet they have most needs (Saroha, 2018). Older people depend on the working population for various needs, including food and healthcare provision. Besides, having older individuals is likely to pose economic challenges since most of the country’s resources support their healthcare and overall well-being, diverting resources that would otherwise be used for other viable economic endeavors like research and innovation.

The constrictive pyramid has negative implications on future workforce productivity. As working adults age and retire, there are not enough young people to replace them (Korenjak et al., 2008). Italy will likely struggle with productivity issues if the country does not welcome immigrants from other nations to replace the aging workforce. Besides, the demand for housing facilities will reduce significantly as more people age and stop working. An unproductive older population lacks the requisite financial muscle to purchase houses.


Korenjak-Černe, S., Kejžar, N., & Batagelj, V. (2008). Clustering of population pyramids. Informatica, 32, 157–167.

Saroha, J. (2018). Types and significance of population pyramids. International Journal Peer Reviewed Journal Refereed Journal Indexed Journal UGC Approved Journal Impact Factor, 4(4), 59–69.


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Go to and choose any country to obtain its population pyramid. Copy/paste the pyramid for your chosen country in your response.

Examining the Age Structure - Population Pyramid Analysis of a Selected Country

Examining the Age Structure – Population Pyramid Analysis of a Selected Country

Then, describe the structure of the age pyramid for that country (the 3 types are described in the lecture). What are some of the advantages and/or disadvantages for your chosen country now, and in the future about population size, jobs, food, dependency ratios, housing, etc.? Be sure to copy/paste the links to any resources you used to answer the question.