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Examining Elon Musks Leadership- Lessons from Unit 5

Examining Elon Musks Leadership- Lessons from Unit 5

Elon Musk is one of the leaders who have demonstrated that good leadership can play a significant role in Tesla’s success. I admire him due to his commitment to improving his company’s performance by embracing new ideas and collaborating with his team to implement the ideas. He also has an entrepreneurial spirit characterized by vision, commitment, perseverance, and risk-taking. He instills positive energy in his employees and motivates them to be innovative. His passion for innovation has made the company one of the leading car manufacturers in the world.

Elon Musk’s leadership style is transformational leadership. He uses this style to take the actions needed to create a real positive change. He emphasizes meeting the company’s goals and creates deliverables to sustain the business. Elon Musk also emphasizes maintaining ethics in his company’s operations. According to Bright et al. (2019), ethics in business involves applying values in business operations to determine what is right and wrong and focus on doing the right thing. Elon Musk uses his transformational leadership style to build strategic alliances and create a workforce of talented employees who contribute to his goal of saving humanity.

Elon Musk embraces diversity by hiring employees with different backgrounds. Based on Tesla’s diversity report, the male employee population is 79%. Men also hold most leadership positions because they represent 83% of the leadership workforce. The company’s employee population also includes 21% female employees. 17% of the female employees hold leadership positions. The company also has employees from different racial backgrounds. The diversity report indicated that 10% of the workforce in the company includes African Americans, 21% comprises Asians, 22% comprises Latinos and Hispanics, and 34% includes Caucasians (Kolodny, 2020). The report also consists of a statement detailing the company’s plans to hire new talent at historically African American universities and colleges.


Bright, D. S., Cortes, A. H., Hartmann, E., Parboteeah, K. P., Pierce, J. L., Reece, M., Shah, A., Terjesen, S., Weiss, J., White, M. A., Gardner, D. G., Lambert, J., Leduc, L. M., Leopold, J., Muldoon, J., & O’Rourke, J. S. (2019). Principles of management.

Kolodny, L. (2020, December 7). Tesla published its first-ever diversity report, revealing that 83% of its leadership is male and 59% white. CNBC.


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Examining Elon Musks Leadership- Lessons from Unit 5

Examining Elon Musks Leadership- Lessons from Unit 5

Consider a leader you admire, and based on information in the Unit 5 chapters, identify and explain this person’s leadership style. Additionally, describe how this person embraces diversity-if it is not apparent, describe how they could embrace diversity.