Evolving Perspectives- A Journey Through Personal Philosophy in Nursing
Philosophy of Nursing
The nursing metaparadigm encompasses several domains: health, person, environment, and nursing. Despite being frequently challenged as a rational philosophy of nursing, scholars believe that the meta paradigm is a mechanism for organizing existing areas of nursing interest towards the philosophical hierarchy of knowledge. As a result, it is asserted to be a nursing study and scientific practice. Scholars have occasionally debated the metaparadigm but have never proposed a conventional alternative. The re-conceptualized metaparadigm, which articulates nursing practice and care and what is present in the nursing discipline, including nurses and their health or environmental circumstances, is highlighted in article reviews. The nursing discipline seeks to access dynamic rationality for action and reflection. Furthermore, investigating nursing epistemology provides a clear understanding of science, philosophy, and nursing practice as they relate to healthcare. As a result, this paper aims to highlight aspects of personal nursing philosophy related to the existing body of nursing knowledge and meta paradigm.
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Theory and Research in Nursing (Paradigm and Metaparadigm)
In theory classes, student nurses must understand paradigms, conceptual models, theoretical frameworks, prepositions, assumptions, and concepts. Specifically, paradigm should refer to a method of observing natural phenomena that includes several philosophical assumptions and guides to approaches. Metaparadigm, conversely, refers to a statement that identifies the relevant phenomena. The term “metaparadigm” refers to four interconnected critical concepts in the nursing discipline, each with meaning. They are as follows: person, environment, health, and nursing/caring (American Journal of Nursing, 2017).
Nursing personal philosophy
Using a nursing philosophy as the foundation for nursing practice facilitates the practical application of nursing knowledge and the advancement of nursing theory and knowledge. My philosophy highlights the art of providing holistic nursing care while maintaining dignity and compassion. The key metaparadigm concepts describe the relationship to nursing as either art or science by illustrating nursing philosophy. Furthermore, family-based and developmental care concepts express nursing practice as an art form. Because the application of nursing knowledge in practice is described in various ways, the concept of the nursing paradigm is prioritized. Examples from my nursing experience in care units highlight the importance of developing nursing knowledge and providing optimal patient care.
My definition of nursing is to provide holistic care to my patients by utilizing my knowledge and values, including compassion, care, respect, and honesty—taking care of the patient’s family and environment’s physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Different theorists’ perspectives instill interchangeable understandings of the relationships between nurse and patient. Patients should ideally learn about some disease processes with the assistance of nurses and other physicians. Furthermore, patients should understand their medications, as I have seen several instances where patients are unaware of them. I also believe that most nurses and physicians have failed their patients. As a result, screening and early intervention should be carried out to prevent or reduce disease.
Implementing these factors, I believe, will reduce the risk of infections and healthcare costs, prolong patient lives and assist them in staying healthy for a long time. The nursing profession and the entire healthcare system will face fewer challenges.
Articulating changes in personal philosophy over time
Whenever contemplating a philosophical standpoint in a specific discipline, it is critical to understand its relationship to the existing issues within the field. Hence, articulation of personal nursing philosophy requires contemplation of individual principles, beliefs, and values that direct practice. My philosophy towards nursing started as an effort to answer questions such as, “What is the importance of nursing? And “What is driving nursing practice?”. Personal reflections, beliefs, and values underpin my philosophy, which connects to the existing nursing literature. It also includes my knowledge of the traditional nursing metaparadigm, which includes person, environment, health, and nursing. It highlights the nursing discipline through four characteristics (In Taylor, 2014).
Throughout history, philosophy has played an essential role in the development of nursing, shaping nurses’ identities, practices, and beliefs. Nurses have dealt with both emergent and routine situations, and their experiences and philosophies typically guide them when making professional decisions. These decisions change due to professional development and the evolution of nurses’ professional philosophies over time. Nursing theories were developed as early as 1859 with Florence Nightingale; since then, philosophies and nursing theories have taken center stage as an integral part of the nursing field (Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2016).
According to (Dahnke & Dreher, 2016), the first framework occurred in the 1950s and 1960s and included nurses who sought knowledge from fundamental sciences by deriving philosophies and concepts from other disciplines. During this time, positivism significantly impacted nursing nurses who were preparing for the collegiate level to incorporate more scientific and theoretical disciplines. Before the 1980s, no theory instruction existed in nursing academia, which sparked an interest in developing theories to apply to other sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and other academic disciplines. Intrinsically, researchers at this time developed nursing’s grand theories to distinguish themselves by offering divergent perspectives on empirical questions concerning the nurse-patient relationship. The third phase began in the 1980s, near the end of the twentieth century, and was marked by the development of various meta-paradigms and theories. As a result, the broad concern in a metaparadigm includes boundaries and limitations, and caring is an essential component of nursing practice. Because nursing is a dynamic discipline, paradigms guide frameworks to advance theories, conduct research, and solve problems (Dahnke & Dreher, 2016).
Factors influencing change in personal nursing philosophy
Developing Meaningful Relationships
Nursing entails working with individuals or communities as part of the care delivery process. Every day, the practical nurse encounters various situations and is required to mediate the client’s situation; this duty entails interactions with clients. Meaningful relationships have influenced change by emphasizing clients’ situations and communities in nursing. This occurs holistically by considering the entire situation rather than a specific illness.
Competence in Skill
Intellectual capabilities are essential while performing any nursing procedure; they connect to nursing concepts and theories that involve the reflective ability to make decisions and apply thinking skills by putting nursing knowledge into appropriate actions. Because it is the key to optimizing health situations, this exemplifies the rational ability to design and implement care plans. Nurses should now develop problem-solving techniques guided by knowledge and intellect, in which another set of information is chosen based on the desired outcome and expertise.
Ability to Practice Nursing Ethically
Nursing entails artistic practice by developing practical skills to benefit clients and communities. According to (In Fletcher, 2016), this factor emphasizes care to raise nurses’ awareness of successful interventions. In the traditional nursing metaparadigm, the interconnection of moral action and skill competence has demonstrated perspective, which focuses on the importance of social justice. It has given nurses a broader perspective on the community and aspects of universal healthcare than was previously possible. Notably, this nursing perception necessitates in-depth examination within the context of healthcare.
Finally, nursing practice is a dynamic process concerned with an individual’s holistic well-being. Nursing benefits individuals, families, and society in various ways, including health promotion, risk factor reduction, illness management, disease prevention, and support during life and death. Nurses constantly advance and redefine their knowledge base through research and scholarships because they operate from a scientific perspective by utilizing the nursing process and integrating concepts for nursing interventions. According to nursing philosophy, individual beliefs, actions, attitudes, desires, hopes, and dreams drive ethical behavior. Without nursing philosophies, nurses may lose motivation, attitudes, and commitment to their profession, as there is no specific nursing philosophy because each nurse practices a personal philosophy differently.
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American Journal of Nursing: Reflections on Nursing: 80 Inspiring Stories on the Art and Science of Nursing. (2017). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Dahnke, M. D., & Dreher, H. M. (2016). Philosophy of Science for Nursing Practice: Concepts and applications. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
In Fitzpatrick, J. J., & In Whall, A. L. (2016). Conceptual Models of Nursing. Boston: Pearson Education.
In Fletcher, G. (2016). The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-being. London: Routledge.
In Taylor, R. (2014). The Essentials of Nursing and Healthcare Research. Los Angeles: SAGE.
We’ll write everything from scratch
– Discuss the personal philosophy of nursing.
– Articulate changes in personal philosophy over time.
– Discuss factors that impacted change in the personal philosophy of nursing.
Philosophy of Nursing
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