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Ethics Surrounding Torture

Ethics Surrounding Torture

In the video, General Westmoreland defends torture on the basis that it happens to protect the interests of US nationals. For instance, if US soldiers capture enemy soldiers or militants, they are obliged to question captives regarding the whereabouts of other captured American soldiers (Annenberg Learner). If the captured enemy fighters fail to cooperate, General Westmoreland avers that their mission obligates them to use torture to obtain information. On his part, Brian Jenkins feels that systematic torture should not be practiced (Annenberg Learner). Although he admits there might be some shoving and instilling fear in the enemy, outright application of systematic torture is not permissible by law and principle. Jenkins emphasizes that he will respect the law even if the lives of his comrades are at risk.

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Father Hehir feels that torture is an extension of warfare habits. To that end, if US soldiers torture the enemy, they are opening a leeway for others to do the same to American soldiers. Finally, Admiral Service believes that the decision of whether torture will be applied will depend on other circumstances beyond ethical considerations (Annenberg Learner). To that end, he is willing to use torture if there is a time constraint to obtaining useful information.

Based on the opinions above and the laws of the US, I assert that extreme torture is not justifiable by any means. Firstly, the US Constitution’s Eighth Amendment restricts the government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment on suspects based on their offenses (Krutz, 102). It does not matter whether the suspects are US citizens or not. I support Jenkins’ position that some fear-imposing strategies may be acceptable in some situations. However, systematic torture is unacceptable regardless of the end goal.

Works Cited

Annenberg Learner. “Under Orders, Under Fire (Part II).” Annenberg Learner,

Krutz, Glen S. American Government 3e. Houston, TX: Openstax, Rice University, 2021.


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Ethics Surrounding Torture

Ethics Surrounding Torture

Watch the following video, Ethics in America: cs-in-America/under-orders-under-fire-part-ii/
You may watch the whole video, but for this assignment, you are only required to watch up until 17:00 of the video.
You will be watching the segment on the question of torture. Summarize the views on the question of torture of the following individuals:

  • Lt. Downs
  • Fr. Hehir
  • Mr. Jenkins
  • Admiral Service
  • Gen. Westmoreland
  • Gen. Jones

Compare and contrast the various views. What would you do (or what would you want done) in this situation? Explain and defend your choice.
Do not cut and paste anything from the Internet without quotations or proper citations – this is plagiarism. Everything not quoted or cited must be in your own
words. Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to reply to at least two other students with 100-word responses.

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