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Ethical Theorists

Ethical Theorists

People identify and recognize various ethical theories depending on their alignment with their stipulations. There are various ethical theories, including Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, Ethics of Care, Aristotle’s Golden Mean, Social Contract Theory, Ethical Egoism, Natural Law Ethics, and Deontological Ethics. Therefore, ethical theorists present different opinions on different topics, including human and nonhuman life. One example of nonhuman life is animals and animals have rights; consistently, ethical theorists would have varying opinions on the rights of animals.

Research, especially medical research, heavily relies on animal experiments before human trials. Animals mainly used in medical research include mice and chimpanzees due to the similarity of their systems to humans. The Nonhuman Rights Project is a civil right that protects all nonhuman life concerning their intrinsic values and sentience. Subsequently, animal experimentation limits the Nonhuman Life Project. Ethical theorists, utilitarianists, and ethical egoists would have varying opinions on nonhuman life rights, focusing on animal experimentation. Contact us at Our homework help will save you tons of energy and time required for your homework paper.

The consequence of an action influences utilitarianists’ opinions. These consequences are weighed regarding yielding happiness and how appropriate the action is in a circumstance (Newton, 2013). Subsequently, medical research involving animal experimentation causes happiness through medical breakthroughs that benefit all humans. The action is appropriate because it is the only existing method with dependable results. Therefore, a utilitarianist would disagree on some of the nonhuman life rights.

Ethical egoists’ opinions are influenced by self-interest. Accordingly, the consequence of each action should benefit oneself first and foremost (Rachels & Rachels, 2019). Animal experiments help find remedies for human ailments, and therefore, an ailing ethical egoist would agree to animal experimentation because the result would benefit them. Therefore, an ethical egoist would disagree on some nonhuman life rights.

From the two ethical theorists, I most agree with the utilitarianists because their opinions on actions are influenced by the appropriateness of an action and its ability to cause the greatest happiness. Nonhuman life rights must be limited in certain circumstances if the results are advantageous; thus, utilitarianism.


Newton, L. (2013). Ethical Decision Making: Introduction to Cases and Concepts in Ethics (pp. 52-55). Springer.

Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.


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Ethical Theorists

Ethical Theorists

Please choose two different Ethical theorists and discuss their opinions on the rights of nonhuman life. Which do you most agree with and why?