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Environmental Law Analysis – The Endangered Species Act (1973)

Environmental Law Analysis – The Endangered Species Act (1973)

How has the policy contributed to sustainability in your community?

The Endangered Species Act (1973) was enacted to protect wildlife and any endangered species (Boersema & Reijnders, 2009). The state of Maryland used this Act to develop its version of the Maryland Non-Game and Endangered Species Conservation Act (ESA) (Doyle & Henderson, 2020). This has contributed to community sustainability by laying out guidelines for conserving and protecting endangered species. The state uses the act to respond to controversies arising from plans to develop areas that have endangered species. This has led to sustainability, as the ESA has provided land-use and habitat planning grants and assistance, including the provision of landowner rights in regions with effective conservation plans. Moreover, landowners who have plans for species protection are granted tax reductions, thereby leading to more concerted efforts for species protection.

How has the policy improved living conditions for people in your community? Consider biodiversity, economics, agriculture, health, etc.

ESA has contributed to the overall well-being of Maryland as a community because the emphasis is on protecting wildlife and natural resources (Boersema & Reijnders, 2009). This is because every development project requires both state and federal permits, and every economic development project and is pursued with regards to the consideration of the plight of endangered species regulation.

In what ways is resource consumption reduced or stabilized as a result of the policy?

The role of this act or environmental law is protecting wildlife; it has established a structure that is used in the identification and listing of species that are threatened, vulnerable, or endangered (Boersema & Reijnders, 2009). Therefore, when a species has been identified as endangered or vulnerable, the act outlines the necessary rules for protecting the species and their habitats.  For the state of Maryland, this provides an incentive for biodiversity conservation as it provides an incentive or measure for the recovery of endangered species.

How does the policy promote stewardship of resources now and for future generations?

The policy promotes environmental stewardship by preserving natural habitats besides endangered species. Therefore, instead of only focusing on the conservation or preservation of vulnerable or endangered species, the emphasis is on the listing of all species’ habitats (Boersema & Reijnders, 2009). Besides, support through reduced tax incentives for property owners who have comprehensive plans for species protection improves the overall attitude towards conservation and resource protection or conservation. All these efforts or incentives ensure environmental stewardship and sustainability so that the plight or needs of the future generation will be considered.


Boersema, J. J., & Reijnders, L. (2009). Principles of environmental sciences. New York: Springer.

Doyle, J. J & Henderson, T.R (2020). Endangered species and development laws. Retrieved from


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The Endangered Species Act (1973)

The Endangered Species Act (1973)

175 words

How has the policy contributed to sustainability in your community?

How has the policy improved living conditions for people in your community? Consider biodiversity, economics, agriculture, health, etc.

In what ways is resource consumption reduced or stabilized as a result of the policy?

How does the policy promote stewardship of resources now and for future generations?