Potential vulnerabilities associated with the I-35W bridge collapse With reference to the rail network, the main vulnerabilities include the actual collapse of the bridge, blockage of the railroad,...
Latest News - Environmental Issues
Understanding and Conducting a Vulnerability Analysis (VA) The Amtrak rail network is a scale-free network. Scale-free networks are characterized by nodes with fewer connections to others. In this...
Designing, Protecting, and Ensuring a Long Life for Critical Infrastructure Responsibility This week’s agenda involves the establishment of Westland’s Emergency Operation Plans (EOP). The main...
Budgetary Plans and Allocations Purpose Allocation Repairs of railroads $10 billion Expansion $12 billion Construction of new tunnels at Hudson River $11.6 billion Replacement of the Baltimore &...
Executive Summary- Applying Network Theory to Enhance Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies The network theory is an arithmetic branch that is concerned with the convenient modeling of networks....
Overview of Nodes Assets and Links in the Lower Colorado Dams Network The Amtrak routes in the USA comprise various nodes. In this network, the nodes are railway stations/junctions, while the...