Enhancing Research Through Peer Review – Sharing Purpose Statements and Research Questions
The proposed research is centered on mental healthcare. The identified problem warranting the study is poor access to mental healthcare, causing diminished consumption of mental healthcare resources and increased functional decline, morbidity, and mortality. The proposed research study seeks to address this problem by highlighting specific factors that interplay in poor access to mental healthcare across ethnic minority groups.
The purpose of this proposed qualitative study is to explore the factors contributing to poor access to mental healthcare among ethnic minority groups. The study will draw 15 participants from a community in Akron, OH. The community predominantly consists of ethnic minority groups, with African Americans constituting the majority. The research participants will be subjected to a semi-structured interview that will investigate their perception of the potential barriers to mental healthcare and their perceptions of the available mental healthcare resources in the community. The questions selected interrogate aspects of the purpose statement and are specific to the community under review. The articles selected, which informed the establishment of the research questions, are equally related to the topic researched and are based on mental healthcare.
Links: https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=16736&context=dissertations; https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/15466/
Research Questions
The research questions utilized in this respect include what the perceptions of ethnic minority groups on the existing mental healthcare services and resources within the community are, what the barriers contributing to poor access to mental healthcare in the community, how culture influences the mental health-seeking behavior of members of the community and how the identified barriers be addressed.
Elad, C. B. (2024, February 14). Challenges of Cameroonian Immigrants When Accessing Mental Health Services in Los Angeles. Walden.edu. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/15466/
Watkins, A. G. (2021, February). Understanding the mental health stigmas within the black community from the lived experiences of Professional Black women – proquest. ProQuest. https://www.proquest.com/openview/3b25174be5939ed4b007e069d65ba02a/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
We’ll write everything from scratch
peer-review process provides doctoral students opportunities to explore their ideas and thoughts as well as assist their peers by providing substantive feedback and critical thinking questions and ideas.

Enhancing Research Through Peer Review – Sharing Purpose Statements and Research Questions
Locate 2 dissertations in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global that are focused on your topic. ( ProQuest Link: https://www.proquest.com/pqdtglobal/index?accountid=35812) Review the research question(s) in both dissertations to assist in gaining an understanding of how to write your research question(s) for this assignment.
Include links to the dissertations you located.
Post your purpose statement and two research questions that might be appropriate for your study.