Enhancing Labor Outcomes- A CTE Model Analysis of Epidural Education and Its Impact on Pain Management
The Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical (C-T-E) system is a structured and systematic way of steering detailed knowledge to the nursing profession using nursing theories and conceptual frameworks (Butts & Rich, 2021). Using this system requires high creativity levels, ethical decision-making, clinical decision-making, and nursing care. Using C-T-E is thus paramount for any nurse practitioner. This system will help nurses understand important healthcare issues and how they affect patient care.
In week two, I developed a nursing theory of “Education on the use of pain medication (epidural) available during labor gives positive outcomes.” Epidural analgesia is an effective and safe method to relieve pain during labor. However, it is linked with high costs, more operative intervention, and longer labor (Waldum et al., 2020). It is an option for patients, but healthcare providers and pregnant women must be aware of its risks. The women should be educated on the risks and other options to relieve pain during labor.
I have continued conducting research and improving my theory in the subsequent weeks. I have revised my theory. The revised version of my theory is “Education on epidural analgesia during pregnancy improves the decision-making the ability to use it during labor.” The first concept of this theory is that many factors influence the decision to use an epidural. These factors include financial status, knowledge, culture, background and education level (Alakeely et al., 2018). Akakeely et al. (2018) noted that higher incomes and greater epidural analgesia knowledge positively affected pregnant women’s choice to use analgesia. Higher education levels also increased their knowledge of analgesia, which made them aware of the role of epidural analgesia in labor. Healthcare professionals should also be aware of these factors and implement patient-centered education to improve women’s decision-making ability.
The second concept in my theory is that educating pregnant women during antenatal care will improve their decision-making ability on the use of epidural analgesia to prevent pain during labor. Patient education will improve the knowledge of women on the benefits and risks of epidural analgesia and other pain options they can use during labor (Alakeely et al., 2018). This will increase the awareness of these women on epidural analgesia, allowing them to make an informed decision on whether to use them or not.
The operational definition of this concept of epidural analgesia is administering local anesthesia to the epidural space to reduce pain during labor (Alakeely et al., 2018). Patient education teaches the patient about the benefits, risks, and alternatives to epidural analgesia. The operational definition of decision-making is the ability of the patient to make an informed decision after being presented with all the relevant information. Empirical indicators will be the measurement of clinical outcomes on the effect of the analgesia. Pain is subjective, and hence, the reduction of pain during labor will be an empirical indicator.
In a research study, I would measure the concepts and propositions of this theory using a survey. This survey would involve asking patients whether they had received education on the use of epidural analgesia and whether this education affected the decision-making concerning the use of epidural analgesia in labor.
In conclusion, C-T-E is an important tool for healthcare professionals. They can use this system to comprehend nursing concepts and theories. It is thus important for healthcare professionals to be aware of it and apply it effectively during patient care.
Alakeely, M. H., Almutari, A. K., Alhekail, G. A., Abuoliat, Z. A., Althubaiti, A., AboItai, L. A., & Al-Kadri, H. (2018). The effect of epidural education on Primigravid women’s decision to request epidural analgesia: A cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-018-1766-5
Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2021). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Waldum, Å. H., Jacobsen, A. F., Lukasse, M., Staff, A. C., Falk, R. S., Vangen, S., & Sørbye, I. K. (2020). The provision of epidural analgesia during labor according to maternal birthplace: A Norwegian register study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-020-03021-8
We’ll write everything from scratch
Use the theory that you developed in week two. Improve it by using the information you have obtained in the intervening weeks. Use the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical Model (CTE) to link the operational definitions with the empirical indicators, theoretical concepts, and conceptual model components.

Enhancing Labor Outcomes- A CTE Model Analysis of Epidural Education and Its Impact on Pain Management
Post your revised theory and explain how you would measure the concepts and propositions in a research study. My theory week two 🙁 Education on the use of pain medication (epidural) available during labor gives positive give outcomes).