Encryption Technology- Understanding Its Use, Benefits, and Ethical Considerations
Encryption has become a critical aspect of modern technology, especially with the drastic increase in cyber security issues. The process has existed for many years and keeps improving to fit contemporary challenges. Its effectiveness in protecting electronic communication has leveraged its market value and precedence over alternatives. Vast techno-based companies incorporate encryption in their new products to protect user data before commercializing them. A detailed description of encryption, including reasons for use and arising concerns, will help break down its complex nature.
According to Yar and Steinmetz (2019), encryption uses digital code “keys” to rearrange data to a unique pattern that can hardly be reversed. This implies that the process converts plaintexts to ciphertext using a complex algorithm. The generated mass of characters is illegible and thus considered a powerful method of protecting sensitive data. However, hackers use brute force mechanisms to decipher the ciphertext, but such effort is resource-intensive. Therefore, it is preferably safe to increase the length of encryption keys. The technology is heavily applied in encoding email communications and securing publicly posted information, computer networks, and files. The primary concerns are that encryption cannot be audited, systems can hardly be encrypted, and the process makes it hard for a firm to analyze its data using standard mechanisms. It is preferred since one must have the right key to decipher the scrambled message; otherwise, access is denied (Ang, 2020).
Encryption is vital in the digitally connected world to secure personal data, financial transactions, and messages. It has earned trust from countless users and thus is one the best information protective measure. However, some companies only encrypt a third of their data for speed to retrieval reasons. Encryption is projected to become more relevant and applicable in many organizational settings in the future.
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Ang, R. J. (2020). The Importance of Encryption. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 15(3).
Yar, M., & Steinmetz, K. F. (2019). Cybercrime and society. Sage.
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Describe the technology of encryption, why and how it is used, and concerns/tensions around its use.
Encryption Technology- Understanding Its Use, Benefits, and Ethical Considerations