Empowering Human Rights – Leadership and Advocacy in Shelter Settings
The Connection between the Shelter Mission and the Aspect of Human Rights
Human rights play a vital role in ensuring that people are treated humanely and respectfully. The shelter’s mission focuses on leading women and children to freedom from an environment of physical abuse, hopelessness, and abandonment to a place of healing and freedom that comes through a life of surrendering to Christ. Therefore, the mission considers some fundamental human rights outlined in the United States Constitution. One of the rights is the right to a safe environment. According to the National Archives (2022), the sixth article in the United States 12 Amendments states that every citizen has a right to be safe in their house. The mission also connects with the freedom of religion. The United States Constitution guarantees its citizens the right to practice their religion by prohibiting Congress from creating a national religion and passing any law limiting Americans’ freedom to express their faith based on how they want (United States Attorney’s Office, 2012). Therefore, the facility’s mission connects with the right to religion by giving the women and children recovering from abuse to live a life surrendered to Christ.
The Contribution of My Leadership Skills to Defending Women’s and Children’s Rights
According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (2023), the United States Constitution allows citizens to volunteer to improve their communities. Therefore, I use my leadership skills to improve the lives of women and children in the community by defending their rights. For example, I use my ability to turn information into action to mobilize community members to protect themselves against the violation of women’s and children’s rights. I do this through petitions shared on online platforms and peaceful protests aimed at advocating for the protection of women and children against the violation of their rights. I use empathy to connect with the women and children in the community so that they can feel free to share any concerns about the violation of their rights. I then use the information gathered from these conversations to create a difference where the rights are being violated by working with local authorities to arrest and prosecute those accused of violating the rights. I am also actively involved in debates about child and women abuse prevention, and I use my ability to inspire and convince others to encourage the community to push for policies that protect women’s and children’s rights. I also apply my vision to determine the changes that can be made in the community to create a safe environment for women and children.
Benefits of Volunteering In the Shelter
One of the benefits I could get by volunteering in the shelter is creating a good relationship with local authorities by fulfilling my responsibility to help improve the community by abiding by the laws prohibiting the abuse of women and children. The second benefit is being part of a group that can initiate societal change by ensuring that women’s and children’s rights are protected. According to Thomas M. Franck (2001), individual rights contribute to the rise of new, voluntary, and multilayered affiliations that can supplement the beliefs imposed by territory, tradition, and genetics. Therefore, volunteering in the shelter will allow me to interact with policymakers and human rights activists, thus exposing me to opportunities to contribute ideas on how human rights can be aligned with people’s beliefs. Interacting with policymakers and human rights activists will also give me a deeper understanding of the United States Constitution, making me eligible for various jobs within the human rights protection and justice sector.
Franck, T. M. (2001). Are human rights universal? Foreign Affairs, 80(1), 191. https://doi.org/10.2307/20050052.
National Archives. (2022). The Bill of Rights: A transcription. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript.
United States Attorney’s Office. (2012). Know Your Rights. A guide to the United States Constitution. U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-ne/legacy/2012/04/27/Civil%20Rights%20Book-NE-2.pdf.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. (2023). USCIS – Citizenship rights and responsibilities. myUSCIS. https://my.uscis.gov/citizenship/information.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Empowering Human Rights – Leadership and Advocacy in Shelter Settings
Narrate your experiences on the project in a minimum of 500 words. Be sure to briefly relate your project experiences to specific ideas in each week’s readings. Ideally, you will synthesize ideas from these readings. You may also briefly reference ideas from earlier weeks of the course, as well as up to four additional sources you have found in your own research. Cite at least 2 articles and/or readings from the course in this entry. Demonstrate learning based on the assigned course materials.
- How does the shelter mission connect with the aspect of human rights?
- How do your leadership skills contribute to defending women’s and children’s rights?
- What benefits besides personal satisfaction could you get by volunteering in the shelter?