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Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Levels of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement refers to how employees are invested or interested in working for a company. According to Gallup, the levels of employee engagement are actively engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged (Kaufman et al., 2018). To start with, actively engaged employees are the most productive and enthusiastic in a workplace. Such employees are characterized by passion, loyalty, a strong work ethic, and passion. Actively engaged employees are willing to go beyond their own way and engage extra effort and talent.

Secondly, the ‘not engaged’ employees occupy a middle ground. Such employees are indifferent to their jobs and employers (Kaufman et al., 2018). They only do what is expected of them and do not take the initiative to engage extra effort and talent. Such employees resist change, do little to improve the organization, and hate teamwork. They are only interested in fulfilling their job description, getting a paycheck, and going home.

Finally, actively disengaged employees are the opposite of actively engaged employees. Such employees are cynical, resentful, and negative (Bhebhe, 2020). They may do anything to disadvantage their organization to get kicks. Other traits exhibited by actively disengaged employees include being vocal about what is wrong with a company and not being open to change and learning.

Benefits of Converting Not Engaged Employees to Become Engaged

Patro (2013) avers that transforming even the smallest portion of an organization’s workforce, say 10%, will bring many positive benefits. One of the key benefits of employee engagement is that it improves an organization’s productivity and profit. Once profits improve, an organization will also increase its employee payouts, thus eliciting positive feelings among employees.

Another benefit of employee engagement is that it enhances customer loyalty. Actively engaged employees tend to take the initiative to understand their customers better. Once they understand customers, they will serve them better, leading to customer satisfaction. Once customers are happy with the services of a company, they are likely to patronize the business again. Such improvement is linked to the positive relationship between employee engagement and productivity (Patro, 2013). Employees who feel they are sufficiently engaged will likely go beyond their way and understand a company’s customers.


Bhebhe, M. (2020). Employee disengagement from the perspective of frontline employees: a hotel case study in Zimbabwe. Journal of Management & Administration, 2020(1), 73-100.

Kaufman, B., Starkman, J., & Barry, M. (2018). Employee engagement: what you might be missing.

Patro, C. S. (2013, December). The impact of employee engagement on an organization’s productivity. In 2nd International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace (pp. 13-14).


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According to Gallup, the percentage of “engaged” workers in the U.S., those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace, is 34%, 16.5% of people are “actively disengaged,” and that leaves the remaining 53% of workers that are in the “not engaged” category.

Employee EngagementEmployee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Explain the difference between engaged, actively disengaged, and not engaged. What would be the impact on the organization if even 10% of the not-engaged employees became engaged?