Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Based on the article (Goleman, 1), it is clear that your Emotional Intelligence defines your leadership style. I had an honest and probably most critical look at myself. In addition to this, I also asked my manager to identify the key behaviors that he observed. My strengths are Building bonds, Teamwork, Collaboration, Adaptability, Self-Confidence & Service Orientation. These emotional intelligence competencies relate to Authoritative, Affiliative & Democratic leadership styles. While it was great to see I have aspects of multiple leadership styles, it will be essential for me to identify the right style for a particular situation or working environment.
For the longest time, we had the best network, and as a result, we attracted a lot of customers who paid us a premium for the quality we provided. However, some competitors have slowly caught up with us (Pressman, 2). This competition resulted in us losing some customers (Knutson and Jamerson, 3). Also, the popularity of streaming video created a massive demand for data. It has required us to invest in our infrastructure to keep up (Knutson, 4). We cannot rely on our traditional strengths to maintain our leadership position in the business. We have to diversify and find other sources of revenue. We need a leader who can provide a clear vision for this to happen. Hence, a leader with a primary authoritative style suits us the best. We should also find ways to find inefficiencies in our business and cut costs to maintain our profits. Employee feedback has been vital to find these inefficiencies. A complimentary democratic style could help immensely to get employee input.
For me, I believe that empathy, self-control & influence are the competencies that I need to improve to enhance my EI. This assessment makes sense because my DiSC style is I (DiSC, 5). Like the other I-style personalities, I share my opinions with passion. However, while expressing myself, I don’t recognize the emotions of others. I also don’t try to seek other views unless others from the group share them themselves. I sometimes believe in my opinions so much; I don’t realize how my expression changes when faced with opposition. Certain emotions can make me impatient or even angry, even though that’s not my intention.
Daniel Goleman. 2000. Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review
Aaron Pressman. T-Mobile, Sprint Close In on Verizon, AT&T For Best Mobile Network https://fortune.com/2016/08/23/t-mobile-sprint-close-in-verizon/
Ryan Knutson and Joshua 2017. Verizon Customers Defect as Competition Ramps Up https://www.wsj.com/articles/verizon-for-first-time-loses-core-wireless-customers- 1492691308
Ryan Knutson. 2013. Video Boom Forces Verizon to Upgrade Network https://wsj.com/articles/no-headline-available-13871358394.
Everything DiSC Workplace. 2019. Wiley & Son
We’ll write everything from scratch
Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (EI)
The six leadership styles are explained in the article by Goleman in this week’s materials, Leadership That Gets Results. Think about your EI and how it guides your leadership style. Then discuss this topic by responding to the prompts below:
Emotional Intelligence
- Identify the leadership style you think is most appropriate for your business.
- What secondary style might be complementary?
- Which competencies do you want to improve to enhance your own EI?
Support your answer with information from your DiSC assessment results.