Effective Techniques and Considerations for Assessing Older Adults- Engagement Strategies Mental Status Evaluation and Key Assessment Questions
When engaging older people, using plain language to deliver concise and clear information to them would be important. I would also ensure that any identified barriers, such as language, technological or physical, are addressed. For instance, I would help them use technological devices if these are involved. Another important technique I would use is to consider setting up a venue that is safe for them both emotionally and physically, accessible and comfortable. If possible, the venue would be local, like in a café, pub, or hall in their community. This is because the local communities, organizations, and governments understand their population better than an outsider (Office of Ageing, 2016). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.
Areas to Consider Relating to the Mental Status Exam
According to Vos & Das (2021), the areas to consider relating to the mental status exam when meeting an older person include their overall appearance, any unusual behavior, unusual perceptions or beliefs, their mood as well as any other cognition aspects like memory, orientation and attention.
Types of Questions to Ask During Assessment
I would ask questions in relation to their mood, such as how do you feel? Are you angry, depressed, sad, or happy? To assess their awareness of their environment, I would ask if they know where they are, what they are doing, what date, day, or year they are, and if they know who they are.
Ways to assess for Cognitive Impairment
According to the Alzheimer’s Association (2022), I could assess for cognitive impairment by observing the older person’s physical balance, walking, eye movement, and reflexes. I would also ask them to repeat what they have said to assess their memory and how they perceive things.
Cognitive Assessment Tools
The cognitive assessment tools that can be used to assess older people include the GPCOG, which is used in primary care and is in various languages, Mini-Cog used to test memory, AD8 used to differentiate between mild dementia and normal aging signs, and IQCODE used for assessing dementia and cognitive decline (Alzheimer’s Association, 2022).
Alzheimer’s Association (2022). Cognitive Assessment. https://www.alz.org/professionals/health-systems-clinicians/cognitive-assessment
Office for the Ageing, South Australia (2022). A Practical Guide to Effective Engagement with Older People. https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/resources/better+together+-+a+practical+guide+to+effective+engagement+with+older+people
Voss, R., & Das, J. M. (2021). Mental status examination. StatPearls.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Please review the readings and consider the following in response:
What techniques would you use to engage an older adult during your first meeting?
What areas must you consider regarding the Mental Status Exam when meeting with an older adult during the assessment process?
Effective Techniques and Considerations for Assessing Older Adults- Engagement Strategies Mental Status Evaluation and Key Assessment Questions
What types of questions would you want to ask during the assessment?
How could you assess for cognitive impairment when meeting with an older adult during the assessment process?
5)What assessment tools did you learn about that could be helpful as a part of the assessment process?