Effective Classroom Management
First, I would like to say that I do not think of a classroom as what you traditionally think of in elementary or high school. We, as adults, are often in the area of expertise that we are learning, and the tools and supplies around us are critical to learning.
As I read the article, I saw things like feeling comfortable, safe, respected, and challenged and creating a positive learning environment, especially in adults. (Balliro, 2005) However, communication is the key to making somebody have those feelings. Without clear, concise communication, adult students are often left in the shadows because they do not want to step out in front of others and ask what they think, a silly question, thus the respected piece. Without being respected, how can one feel safe? I do not think that people will learn because we, as shamans, are often worried about what others think of us. That makes us feel comfortable or uncomfortable based on previous situations that we have had with certain individuals.
As an instructor and evaluator for work, I try to follow those few words. If you do not feel comfortable, safe, or respected, how can you fully process the presented information? Being in the military and often traveling for our jet, something safe is a hard feeling to shake, so by the teacher or instructor being comfortable and confident, I feel this often bleeds to the student. It is very easy to see when somebody is trying too hard because they often get frustrated beyond a level of self-control, and that spills to the students, who then believe they could have possibly done something wrong.
Clear and concise communication will empower students to reach their maximum potential and hit those five keywords.
Balliro, L. (winter, 2005). Clues to Classroom Management in ABE. Field Notes, 15(2), 1-14. Retrieved December 10, 2017, from http://www.sabes.org/sites/sabes.org/files/resources/fn152.pdf
We’ll write everything from scratch
Effective Classroom Management
Effective classroom management approaches for adult learners. Explain how you relate to these approaches and analyze them – e.g., what do you think of them?