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Educational Equity Issues-Financial Inequities

Educational Equity Issues-Financial Inequities

Equity in education is a core goal for all learning institutions, focusing on providing equal opportunities for all students to enhance their academic success. Learning institutions must consider all factors, including resource availability, funding, academic support services, and target academic outcomes to effectively promote equity in the learning environment (Thinking Maps, 2023). Financial inequity is a critical educational equity issue affecting most students, hindering their success. All students have a right to education. However, education inequities arise when students are differentiated based on where they acquire their education, either from private or public institutions. This aspect of some students attending private school while others attend public school makes education a privilege. Some students have to work to pay for their education expenses, which makes them more vulnerable to failure due to their inability to balance their education and work duties. The financial equity issues prompt affected students to forego their education and focus on generating income to sustain their needs.

Research Questions

How do financial equity issues impede equal access to education and related services?

How does socioeconomic status contribute to financial inequities in a learning institution and influence students’ performance and well-being?

To what extent do school funding disparities lead to gaps in educational performance among students from different socioeconomic levels?

Statement of Research Purpose

This research paper aims to examine and evaluate existing financial inequities in education. The findings will promote an understanding of the origin of these financial inequities and their implications on students’ performance and advocate for potential solutions to address the issue. The research provides instrumental guidelines to educational finances and stakeholders to enhance financial equity in learning institutions. The findings will influence policy development and interventions to mitigate the impacts of financial inequities in education, which will support equity in financial distribution, narrowing the educational performance gaps contributed by the disparities in finances. The research will also promote awareness to the public on the financial inequity issues in education, which encourages initiatives to reinforce efforts to promote equitable funding based on the socioeconomic background of students.

Preliminary Review of Literature

Education is essential in an individual’s life as it empowers and increases one’s skills to find income-generating opportunities to sustain their life and improve their living standard (NASEM, 2019). Despite education being a basic need, financial constraints are significant hindrances to affordable access to education and educational services. Education is every person’s right; through public institutions, education is free. However, in some countries, such as America, education is pricey, where students work to support their education and well-being. Notably, poverty is a crucial factor leading to financial inequities in education. According to the 2016 National Center of Education Statistics, 19% of the young population lived in poverty. The statistics further depicted that 24.4% of the students studied in high-poverty schools, with the highest population of non-white students (NASSP, 2023). The statistics demonstrate why poverty is an educational equity issue and should be addressed to promote equal opportunities for all students. Students living in poverty have limited access to resources and learning materials, impairing their learning processes. The high-poverty schools lack adequate funding since fund division is based on property taxes. This funding system negatively impacts individuals living in poverty since schools in highly impoverished areas have lower property taxes (Naven et al., 2019). Teachers in high-poverty schools are also less skilled and inexperienced, which leads to poor academic performance among students in that setting.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). (2019). Monitoring educational equity. National Academies Press.

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). (2023). Poverty and its impact on students’ education. National Association of Secondary School Principals. Retrieved from

Naven, L., Egan, J., Sosu, E. M., & Spencer, S. (2019). The influence of poverty on children’s school experiences: pupils’ perspectives. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice27(3), 313-331.

Thinking Maps. (2023). Equity in education: What it Is and why it matters. Thinking Maps. Retrieved from


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Write a 1-page research concept paper in which you describe the research problem and propose 3-possible research questions that you are interested in investigating. Be certain that you watch the videos and complete the assigned readings before you attempt to complete this task. Also, include a separate page with an APA formatted reference list at the end of the prospectus. Refer to the detailed guidelines for each research assignment to ensure that you include all required elements.

Educational Equity Issues-Financial Inequities

Educational Equity Issues-Financial Inequities

This assignment should include the following elements:

1. APA formatted cover page

2. A Research Concept Paper (1-page single-spaced)

Describe the Educational Equity research problem. Be specific
List of relevant research questions. Must include 3 possible questions.
Statement of Research Purpose. What do you hope to achieve as a result of completing this research?
Preliminary Review of Literature. What have other people already had to say about this research problem?
3. APA formatted Reference List — The list must include the resources provided in Module 1 as well as 3 additional sources that you find on your own.