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EBP Policy and Practices

EBP Policy and Practices

The application of evidence-based practices and policies in healthcare is a requisite for most institutions. Therefore, all healthcare providers (especially nurses and physicians) are supposed to be aware of these EBP practices and policies when making decisions. In particular, EBP policies play a fundamental role in helping people make informed choices/decisions about projects/programs/policies by placing the most appropriate evidence/data gathered from research at the center of policy design, creation, and implementation. Evidence-based policy as well makes clear what is understood via scientific evidence and, essentially, what is unknown. Therefore, contrary to opinion-based policies, an evidence-based policy process can help define issues, shape agendas, identify options, make informed choices for action, deliver them, and monitor the outcomes and impact (Parkhurst, 2017).

Similar to evidence-based policies, evidence-based practices are approaches that primarily rely on objective research (especially controlled trials, case-control studies, as well as observational studies) to solve problems. It is important for nurses and other healthcare workers to be aware of evidence-based practices because they ensure that nurses make well-founded decisions. Through EBP, nurses can keep updated about the new standards and protocols for patient healthcare (Black et al., 2015). By researching and applying documented interventions (especially in trusted medical databases like Pub Med), nurses can not only guarantee the delivery of quality care but can also improve other patient outcomes, such as lower medication errors, reduced hospital stays, as well as cut medical costs. Applying evidence-based practices permits nurses to examine research so they can acknowledge the efficiency and risks of particular treatments and diagnostic tests. The use of EBP allows providers to involve patients in their own healthcare plans. Thus, this permits patients to be proactive in their own care plans since they can share their concerns, values, and preferences and forward their suggestions on how they expect the treatment to proceed.


Black, A. T., et al. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14-20.

Parkhurst, J. (2017). The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence. London: Routledge.


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EBP Policy and Practices

EBP Policy and Practices

EBP Policy and Practices

Why is it important to be aware of EBP policy and practices?