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Drive and Focus- Personal Vision Statement

Drive and Focus- Personal Vision Statement

Personal growth is vital in helping individuals meet goals that contribute to a better life. One of the main steps is setting a vision and developing the skills and competencies needed to realize it. In this paper, I will state my personal vision statement and discuss the relationship between the vision and leadership roles within my workplace, the role of emotional intelligence in realizing my vision, and the impact of values on my vision.

Personal Vision Statement

My vision is to become an impactful and transformational leader and be recognized as one of the best leaders in my organization.

The Relationship between My Personal Vision Statement and Leadership Roles

According to Moran (2018), leadership roles include mentoring, inspiring, supervising, facilitating group processes, and following through to monitor the implementation of actions aimed at meeting a specific goal. My personal vision statement relates to mentoring and inspiring. Becoming an impactful and transformational leader requires inspiring and mentoring my followers throughout the change process. Mentoring is also essential in promoting employees and promoting positive attitudes leading to positive change. As a team leader in my organization, I need to mentor the team members to encourage them to work hard and generate ideas that can be implemented to meet the organization’s expectations. I must also lead by example to inspire the team members to meet the organization’s expectations.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Realization of My Vision

Emotional intelligence is the ability to assess, identify, and manage one’s emotions and the emotions of others and groups (Brackett et al., 2019). I need emotional intelligence to connect with the team members as a team leader to mentor and inspire them. I also need emotional intelligence to collaborate with the team members and encourage them to share their ideas and opinions so that I can effectively initiate and implement changes related to increased organizational performance. Emotional is also essential in realizing my vision because it will help me understand what motivates the team members. Therefore, I can use emotional intelligence to design effective motivation strategies to improve the productivity of the team members.

The Impact of Values On My Vision

My attitudinal values influence my vision. According to Covey (2020), attitudinal values are the response to complex situations. Values such as team spirit, responsibility, and boldness will impact the use of a transformational leadership style, thus impacting the team members’ perspective on my practical application of the transformational leadership style. According to Lowe & Bathula (2019), transformational leadership includes changing social systems and individuals. Therefore, I need to be bold to initiate change and follow through to ensure the change is implemented successfully. I also need to be honest to gain followers’ trust to avoid resistance to change and create a good relationship with them so that I can mentor and inspire them throughout the change implementation process.


I have the vision to become an impactful and transformational leader and be recognized as one of the best leaders in my organization. Achieving this vision requires considering the leadership role linked to it and how my personal values and emotional intelligence impact it. For example, the vision is linked to mentoring and inspiring because transformational leadership requires motivation which is achieved through mentoring and inspiring. Transformational leadership and being an impactful leader require emotional intelligence to improve the interaction with others and facilitate the exchange of ideas required to meet an organization’s expectations. I also need to monitor my attitudinal values that could impact the vision. The main values that I will consider are team spirit, responsibility, and boldness because they are essential in initiating and implementing change, thus impacting the development of transformational leadership competence.


Brackett, M., & Elbertson, N. (2019). Emotional intelligence. Character Lab Playbook.

Covey, S. R. (2020). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Simon & Schuster.

Lowe, K. B., & Bathula, H. (2019). Charismatic and transformational leadership. Management.

Moran, J. W. (2018). Leadership styles and roles. Transforming Community Health through Leadership, 30–38.


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Assignment: Drive and Focus
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Drive and Focus- Personal Vision Statement

Drive and Focus- Personal Vision Statement

In this paper, you will be creating a personal vision statement. You will also respond to self-exploration questions to determine the origins of your vision.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link