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Dr Albert Ellis Rational – Emotive Behavior Therapy

Dr Albert Ellis Rational – Emotive Behavior Therapy

I concur with Dr. Albert Ellis that a person’s beliefs directly affect feelings and actions. The rationale behind Ellis’ creation of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is that our thoughts and beliefs significantly impact our emotions and behavior. Individuals can learn to reframe their thoughts and adopt more rational and helpful thinking patterns by recognizing and confronting irrational beliefs. This results in healthier emotional reactions and more adaptable behaviours.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) contends that our interpretations and beliefs about external events, rather than the facts, trigger our emotional responses. This fits with the idea of “cognitive appraisal” in psychology, which contends that our emotional response is determined by how we see and interpret events. People tend to develop inflexible and absolute ideas, and these erroneous notions can cause psychological suffering (Spielman et al., 2020). This emphasizes how irrational thinking can result in unfavorable feelings and dysfunctional behavior.

The ABC model, which stands for the activating event, beliefs, and consequences, is the foundation of rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT). This paradigm states that an outside occurrence (A) sets off our beliefs (B), which in turn causes emotional and behavioral effects (C) (Turner et al., 2023). The experience itself did not directly create the emotional or behavioral effects; instead, our interpretations and assessments of the event were influenced by our beliefs. For instance, if someone hears a critical comment from their boss (the activating event), their beliefs about the criticism (such as “I’m a failure” or “I can’t handle criticism”) will affect how they feel (such as sadness, frustration, or anxiety), how they behave (such as avoidance, withdrawal, or low self-esteem), and how they act. Individuals might alter their emotional reactions and behavioral responses in similar future situations by changing unreasonable beliefs (such as “I must be perfect all the time”).


Spielman, R. M., Lovett, M. D., & Jenkins, W., J. (2020). Psychology 2E. Opentax.

Turner, M. J., Jones, M. V., & Wood, A. G. (2023). Applying cognitive behavioural therapeutic approaches in Sport. Taylor & Francis Group.


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Dr Albert Ellis Rational - Emotive Behavior Therapy

Dr Albert Ellis Rational – Emotive Behavior Therapy

The textbook and lecture notes discussed Dr. Albert Ellis’s Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy. Make sure to review this material. Also, if you have not already done so, make sure to listen to the brief audio recording of Ellis describing his theory. Note: Do not complete this assignment until listening to this audio. Make sure that you provide enough detail to support your answer. Include textbook data on cognitive therapy in your essay and cite appropriately.
Here is the link:

Albert Ellis-Theory and Practice of RET
Source: Soundcloud
Now, after having reflected on this model answer the following question:
Do you agree with Dr. Ellis that one’s thoughts have a direct bearing on their feelings and behaviors? Why or why not? Make sure that you provide enough detail to support your answer.

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